Triple 7 pellets, too old?


New member
Haven't had my Knight DISC out for a few years and pulled it out to warm up for ML season. Loaded a pair of 777 pellets just like always and pop, pulled everything, cleaned it all, and reloaded, pop again. Not really sure how old the pellets are, but at least 5 plus years and not stored in sealed. Do they expire or get old. Will probably go back to pyrodex pellets depending on what is available locally.
My understanding is that pellets in general have issues with age after being opened. But then I've also heard this with many loose powder subs.

Why not try loose powder? Might just find it's more accurate.
Used to use lose powder in my old CVA and TC, but with the Knight I went to pellets simply for the convnience, and it is accurate enough with them. LOL at least if it goes BOOM it's accurate enough. And I guess I will be smart enough to seal the pellets up at the end of the season this time.
Two things here: check your breech plug to make sure the hole is open all the way through. It not only needs to be open, it needs to be completely open. Second, are you using a ML primer or a regualar shotgun 209 primer? You need to use the correct one. I don't know anyone using the "special" ML primers anymore.
777 pellets will go bad after opening from my experience. Best to just use a fresh pack every season.
Breech plug removed, cleaned, and inspected, hole was wide open, and inside of plug clean. I use Rem 209 shotgun primers in he plastic DISC. The 777 pellets were stored in their original box, but inside a sealed plastic can. I did just for giggles take the two pellets that didn't ignite, which were blackened by the 209 primer, and laid them on the ground and gave them a little love tough with a butane torch. Honestly expected the to go POOF but they just kind of burned fast not at all like I expected. No big deal except I had time today to shoot it a little. Will be back to town next week and get new fresh pellets probably back to pyrodex pellets. At least I don't have to travel any further than my yard to shoot.
How do you know when a black powder substitute is no longer any good to use?

The minute you bought it.

Use real black powder. Lasts hundreds of years, ignites like it is supposed to, is easy to clean and doesn't screw up your barrels like many of the subs.
I store my 777 in the original package inside a ziplock with as much air removed as possible.

For fun I'll shoot anything but when it comes to hunting I tend to go all new when it counts.

I think there's one of those CVA Optima pistols in my future if anything to burn through powder and pair up with my CVA Optima rifle.

My dad has a Knight and like it a lot.
I think there's one of those CVA Optima pistols in my future if anything to burn through powder and pair up with my CVA Optima rifle.

I don't have the Optima rifle, but I have the pistol. Excellent gun!
I throw stuff away, especially old 777 pellets. But in the spirit of Sure Shot's post, I'm thinking about vacuum sealing them in a foodsaver this year, putting them away for a few years and see what they do on a range trip. Might be a way to salvage them.
If someone wants to resurrect them by cooking the old 777 pellets in an oven, I some for you. I bought some pyrodex pellets today so should be good. Hopefully I will remember to vacuum seal the remaining g at the end of the season but we'll maybe I will remember.
Well I guess the original question is settled. New pellets, 5 straight KABOOMS amongst snow flurries this afternoon. Must have used that scope on something else over the last few years and forgotten, it wasn't even on paper at 25 yards. (Haven't had the scope on it for probably 10 years, used open sites for a while) Quick removal of plug, some boresighting and 3 shots later we are back in the kill zone. Will give it a thorough cleaning tonight and shoot some more this weekend unless otherwise occupied.