Trip to Cancun (not Swine Flu related)


My family has a trip to Cancun, Mexico planned for this summer and i was wondering if anyone had any experience with taking some sort of weapon with them for self defense. Im sure that getting a gun down there is impossible so i guess that leaves me with knives, pepper spray and tasers. What do you think would be the best option and how should i get it down there? We will be flying out of the US to Mex.
The best option is take nothing.
(My opinion is that an even better option is to find a nice place in the US to spend your money.)
The last time we were there, I took two knives that I checked through. Both had blades less than 5" long and they were liner-locks. You will have less trouble going to Cancun than you will, the border states as they have their own Police force and no one down there wants to mess with the tourist dollars. Don't leave out your Ladies carrying a knife as well. I personally would not have a problem with this trip. When you get down there, see what they have to say about the safety of any tours, away from Cancun. You will pass security armed guards on the way to some of the tours. Folks down there are very accomodating. Take a bunch of $1.00 bills and you will see why later. Say "Hello" to Senior Frog for me !!! :D

Be Safe !!!
Bad enuff we have some folks here gunning for our 2A rights... I would never visit a dangerous nation that wants to take away our 2A rights!
I declared 2 knives on my

Mexican Customs Declaration when I flew into Acapulco last month. The Customs Officer said I should have told the airlines about the knives but he didn't care to know.

The form asks for a declaration of weapons. I consider the knife to be a tool but I claimed it anyway.

Good Luck. I am a US Customs Officer; I obviously was interviewed by one who is like me; easy going, affable, common sense. You could get one who is a real prick.
There's a government agency out of Langly VA. that makes

a plastic composite knife that's pretty good. I carried one all through out Europe back in the Fall. Picked it up at a gun and knife show.
blume357 a plastic composite knife that's pretty good.

Funny you should mention that as I too checked one of these through. It is a Tonto blade and I believe it was made by Cold Steel. I'm not sure if these are still available. They are fairly strong!!

Be Safe !!!
Bad enuff we have some folks here gunning for our 2A rights... I would never visit a dangerous nation that wants to take away our 2A rights!

I agree but mommy and daddy are paying so im not going to say no to a frre vacation :)

Thanks for all the help guys yr the best!
Bad timing for south of the border trips. I can think of at least two life threatening reasons to stay in the US.

And people with that mentality is why the corporate media pumps out exaggerated propaganda, because many many people believe the Bull Poop.
I go to Cancun once in a while, and I always bring my Canemaster cane, a fixed-blade knife that could be a dive knife, and a small inexpensive folder (Chad Los Banos has designed some wonderful ones for Boker). Have never had any problem. While there, I keep the cane and small folder on me, with the folder in a pocket. I go downtown from the strip at least once a day and have never had any problem at all there.
Go to Belize instead. You can get a non resident CCW there for $125. Stipulation is that your pistol's caliber must be 9mm/.357 or smaller.
I agree but mommy and daddy are paying so im not going to say no to a free vacation
Look, Mommy and Daddy are hard working folks and wise beyond their years. You wouldn't want to disappoint them would you ?? ... :mad:
There are times in life when we all have to made consession and this certainly is one of them. Again, go all inclusive and enjoy the family ;)

Be Safe !!!!
I agree but mommy and daddy are paying so im not going to say no to a free vacation

Can we take this remark as, "If someone gave me a free rope, I'm not going to say no to hanging myself.