Trinity Alps?


New member
well im planning a trip to the trinity alps this summer to scout for deer, and i was looking for some imput.
I used to hunt the Trinity Alps and Marble Mountain back in the 70s-80s. Once you get far enough away from the trailhead, the animals are relatively easy to spot, but the hunt is a hot dry one. You will need plenty of water. Once you are in the backcountry, it is relatively easy to move around, but valleys are deep and steep. If you do get one down, you'll be a long way from the trailhead. Are you hunting with horses? If not, you may want to contact a rancher or packer who can check on you while you are in the backcountry and haul out anything you need moved.
The Trinity Alps, part of the Shasta-Trinity National Forest, is along the Trinity river in nothern CA. One of the most beautiful places anywhere on earth. If you have a picture in your head of the perfect trout (steelhead, too, and the salmon are coming back) river, I'll bet it looks a lot like the Trinity. If you're going to hunt there, spend your summer hiking the steepest hills you can find, carrying as much weight as you can stand. When describing the terrain, "steep" just doesn't cut it. It's named after a river, and they used "alps" in the name... do the math.

thanks for the input. i didnt know if id get a resopnse so thats why it wasnt verry detailed. ive hunted the weaverville area for many years but its getting to crowded so i decided to hunt somthing new. i might go on horse back once but mostly it will be on foot. so i think im going to do it is set up a base camp and hike back in there early in the morning and start back so i have enuff time to get back before dark. so what side do you like the best (not asking for the secret spot) but i was going on the coffee creek side (east) or is it better to go in on the west side trails.
i figuered it would be a good getaway this summer go and scout it out for deer and go fishing while im up there.
I used to hunt to the west, mainly because it was the first place I ever found when I went scouting. Refuel in Lewiston, it's a long road in. You can expect plenty of hunting pressure until you reach the close areas. There are some very nice blacktails up in the Trinity area.

If you are up to a mulie hunt next year, scout the Turtle Mountains east of Alturas.
I hunted the "hayfork burn" in the 80's. That was a decade after a forest fire destroyed several thousand acres. Plenty of fresh growth stimulated blacktail feeding. Ask at the saloon in Hayfork, CA.

There are a couple small lakes within a short hike of the trailhead (less than 3 miles) near Trinity River, CA. The deer never stray more than a mile or so from this water source. Easy ambush range shots for a patient hunter. We found the lakes on a forest service map and asked questions at a saloon named The Sasquatch.

Good hunting to you.
Actual question: Do deer browse coniferous evergreens? If not, there would seem to be slim pickins for the deer there in terms of forage, esp. in the winter, with the very rocky landscape with little good soil. Beautiful, though!
thanks guys for all the help im getting stoked cant wait to make a trip. i checked out the trinity alps web page it said theres still snow down at 5000 feet. it receved double the historical record of snow this rear so i hope this helps me out a little.
No, deer do not browse on conifers unless they are really desperate. The area has abundant manzanita, willow, bitterbrush, alder and other undergrowth (south slopes are a bit drier than north slopes). You are seeing conifer trees in the pics and assuming there is nothing else in the area. It actually has a lot of variety.

with all the snow, you should have a good hunt, with deer spread out a bit more than they were during the drought years in the late 70s-early 80s. High slopes early morning, near water late afternoon.
Got a cabin at big foot campground trying to put maybe 6 guys together. Henry Hernadez the hunter safety class guy from north bay is on the list so far but he will be in his travel trailer.A couplen of guys from the Bullseye Range in San Rafael expressed a disire to go also so a few months out and time to put this all together.
ya i know. ive been shot at a couple of times when i hunted in weaverville because i look like him. i thought about using the 338 just incase i ran into him.