Trijicon on a Bodyguard?? Yes......:)


New member
I tried to like the Taurus Poly and Ruger they fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down....So I bought a Bodyguard

Anyway just picked it up after having this ordered and installed for it. :) Now it is the PERFECT CCW.

laser AND tritium!!




Very nice. I keep meaning to get something nicer for the front of my sp101, but I never seem to want it more than any of the other things I need money to buy.
But it looks great. I like the looks of the BG anyway though.
Neat... didn't know they made one for the BG.

But I do have to say, though, the Bodyguard still ain't that much of a looker. Shoots well enough, but pretty?
haha....Pretty compared to a Model 29? Or a Python?? No way!! But when she hangs out with the Taurus Poly and the LCR?? she is on the "less ugly" side.... :0

That is why plain girls should have uglier friends to hang with.