HP-22 Trigger pull
My single action HP-22 averages 8.25 pounds for the trigger pull, with the spread being about 7.8-8.5 lbs. It has a fairly short trigger travel and is a good value for a .22 pistol for playing around. It is solid steel, feels good in the hand, but it is not too large. Sights are adequate, but not outstanding.
With two magazines and the longer target barrel I paid $120 for my nickel version with black plastic grips. The action was initially gritty. I polished everything up, worked on the trigger a little, and it shoots fine. Good value, fun, easy gun.
The magazine disconnect/safety is a pain, but after I remember each time how to make it shoot, it's ok.
I have not used my gauge on the other guns you mention, but from my experience you can assume that almost any true DAO or DA revolver will pull at 10+ lbs, often going over 12.
If you want a trigger that is easy for young people or women to shoot, look at single actions, even in revolvers. CB3