Trigger pull of a ppk?

PPK is both a single and double or "traditional double action". After shooting the first round double action and the gun becomes a single action operation. The lever on the side of the gun is the safety and de-cocker. Once de-cocked, it is double action again or pull the hammer back and it is single action.


Yeah, Robert, he understands that but he wants to know how heavy they are in each mode.

Seminole, I don't know what the DA pull is, but over the last 30 years I've wanted a PPK ( delusions of 007 ) but never bought one despite several times walking into a gunstore with money in my pocket to buy one. Each time I asked to see the gun and tried the DA trigger - then walked out with my money still in my pocket.

18 pounds? 20+ pounds trigger pull? I have small hands for a man, and by the time I got the trigger to break in DA I was white-knuckling the it. Someone with a bigger hand might not be bothered with the way it is. To me, it ( the DA pull ) is an atrocity. That's my point of view, and everyone doesn't always agree with me.
Simply put:

d/a= :( :( :(
s/a= :) :) :)

To elaborate:
18 to 20 lbs sounds about right when I recall shooting my own short lived PPK.
3 to 4 lbs of crisp icicle break heaven, also sounds right.

I could eventually have learned to live with the trigger, but it was the twin furrows in the back of my hand that the slide dug that bothered me. Nice little guns. Even nicer when someone buys it from you for what you paid for it.
I love my PPK but really hate the DA pull. Just way too heavy.

Thanks for the info.

BTW, does anyone know if Wolf Gunsprings sells anything to help w/the hard DA pull? If yes, does this degrade the SA pull?

Again, thanks.
Wolff does have reduced power mainsprings fpr the Walthers, and installing one will help your double action pull, but won't really affect the single action pull too much. Stock weight of the hammer(mainspring)spring on these is 20 lb., and Wolff sells them down to a 16 lb. rating.
Have to agree with all posts.Wanted a PPK for my first pistol but the DA pull was a big turn-off.Also understand that the slide eats your hand alot.
The 18 lb trigger of double action is about right and three or four pounds for the single action. I own three
Walthers one german ppk/s and two american ppk's. Big difference in the American's compaired to the German in quality. The American ppk's are cast slides and frames and parts, the german ones are all forged including all parts.
The only good american ones are the 32's the 380's are not trustworhty but there is a light coming in June of 2001. The new PPK's will be made in Maine by S&W for Walther USA and they will be forged, with firing pin safeties, mag safeties and a longed tang area so as not to bite the hand that feeds it. I know S&W is going to make it for Walther so if your boycotting smith you will have to decide.
Since I had my PPK's throat and ramp polished I've put through about 500 fmj and 100 jhp w/out a single failure to cycle. Also, my hands are rather small for a man's so the slide has never been an issue. Frankly, I hadn't even heard of this issue until I came onto this board. Upon inspection, I can see how a large hand would have trouble w/the gun. Don't know how the big-german-types designed such a small gun.

My only issue is the REALLY STIFF pull in SA.
Reducing trigger pull

The little Walthers need a fairly heavy mainspring (hammer spring) because the hammers themselves are light. Reliable ignition depends on hammer energy, which, like muzzle energy of a bullet, is a combination of speed and mass (weight). If one is lowered, the other has to be raised. So if hammer mass is lowered, its speed must be increased by use of a heavier spring. The mainspring of the Walther PP/PPK/PPKS can be reduced somewhat, but thorough testing should be undertaken after doing so to ensure that ignition is reliable with the chosen ammunition.

C'mon guys! The DA shot is a fast and furios "quick shot" that should only be used within 7 meters...if you need to then yank that trigger!.... For this the PPK is o.k. And while many of the American made ones are kinda cruddy the basic engineering is great!

I do feel bad for the big dudes who get their back-hand "bitten" up...however even Germans were slightly smaller back then AND conditioned to put up with pain if it served the fatherland...this was an officer/gestappo gun remember!