Mandating all new guns come equipped with trigger locks sounds innocuous enough, until . . . the next accident with a non-trigger-locked gun. Then the "loophole" will be closed by mandating ALL guns be trigger-locked. Then they will push for random inspections of your house to insure compliance.
They're doing this now in the UK and Australia, inspecting mandated safes.
One bill in the hopper gives the government the right to set trigger lock standards, inspect any building used for their manufacture or storage, and inspect any vehicle used for the transportation of said locks. Right now the last two are modified by the words "for commercial purposes", but all you have to delete them and they will have Carte Blanche to
inspect your home or car. And, "Oh, by the way, since we are here, do you mind if we search for drugs? You have nothing to hide, do you?"
Check out HR1512:
Note that they also mandate a warning about further safety being needed -- here comes the mandated safe law.
The next time some fence-sitter asks "How can you be against trigger locks?", ask him if he knows about the rest of the law. When he says, "Huh?", fill him in as per above and say that's why. Also ask him why would the antis keep that part of the law quiet, unless it was to fool the people into backing it.
Ask him if he feels "had".
The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
[This message has been edited by Oatka (edited May 26, 2000).]