Trigger job on a Model 94....

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
I recently obtained a decent 94,in 30-30, of course. Yhis was made in 1975, and while it's handy, fast cycling, and has enough punch to do what I want it to, the trigger is about 6-7 lbs and rough. I'm no smith, but I think I'm able to LIGHTLY stone and polish the engagement surfaces and relube.

However, I've not the foggiest notion of how to take this thing apart. Winchester is no help, the drone there I wasted a phone call on just said they do not recommend owners going into the innards of their firearms. So does the online manual.

So, I need dissassembly instructions, can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance...
Got it, George,and many thanks. That's what I love about TFL, not only the knowledge, but the willingness to help....