Trigger enhancement work for P99/SW99 suggestions


It would be great if someone would be so kind as to point me in the right direction for trigger work for this gun. It is a great gun but I'd like to get the trigger to be a lot smoother. I currently have sent my Beretta to E. Langdon and my Glock to Glockracing. Where can I send the P99/SW99?

Flex :D
Never mind. I got it all taken care of and it works beautifully

I'm sure someone could have helped but I guess we'd all rather continue to hate S&W. Not a problem, I'm on my way to the range.

Flex :D
Whoa there chief, how did you do it, or get it done? I like the feel of those guns, but I can't abide the triggers. If one could be cleaned up, I might consider getting one.

Email me and I'd love to email you back with exactly how I did it. I must tell you that before it was modified I couldn't hit the center mass of a silouette target with consistancy. I am dead on accurate with my Beretta's and my Glock 30. I have always loved the way the SW99 looked and felt but I just could not shoot straight with it. I did a search and found others who had the same exact problems as me. Trigger to stiff just before firing. Rear sights are much too wide leaving to much play in the sights.
After fixing the problem I went to the range and it is now my most accuarate hand gun. I fired about 500 of ammo I bought from the last gun show. Raging from L&B, Winchester and Corbon. 100% reliable. And it always was. I never had any lockups, stove-pipes or anything. It just wasn't accurate. I originally had a SW99 .40cal and sold because I found some P99 prebans for the 9mm and thought that would be cool. After the modifacation I can now really enjoy this gun just like I always wanted to. I still haven't changed the sights either. I'll be getting Heinie Straight Eight Night sites. Wonderful gun!

Flex :D