Trident Concepts in Atlanta

David Blinder

New member
Jeff Gonzales, Director of Training for Trident Concepts will be returning to Atlanta in November to conduct three 1 day modules. Jeff was a Navy SEAL for twelve years and has worked in an operational capacity as well as an instructor for Naval Special Warfare. More importantly, he's an excellent communicator who can help improve your skills. We will offer the following: I'm including a brief description but more extensive details can be found on my site at

11/13/04 Concealed Carry module, tuition $175.00 per person.

This course aims at introducing individuals to the act of carrying a firearm concealed. The various modes of concealed carry are discussed and demonstrated with a applicable information for the individuals habits, style and level of protection. Brief discussions on choosing weapons and caliber is discussed with a focus on confidence in your performance and the weapon's. The link for registering/paying is

11/14/04 Strong Hand only, tuition $175.00 per person.

Can you fight with only one hand? The Strong Hand Only course is unique in its concept; nothing similar exists today in our industry. It focuses on fighting with your strong hand only, which in most close quarters fighting situations is not only realistic, but addresses worse-case scenario. Emphasis is on developing skill's confidence at fighting with only one hand. When we say fight we want the individual to be completely autonomous with his strong hand or in some cases his weak hand. The registration link is

11/15/04 Shooting on the Move, tuition $200.00 per person.

Can you hit a moving threat who is actively trying to do you harm or even worse, can you hit a moving threat while you are trying to seek safety? The Shooting on the Move course is for those who have developed aggressive and effective handgun techniques with their primary shooting method already. This course will provide the individual with the instruction and the opportunity to engage targets on the move from a variety of conditions. Registration link is

Thank you!

Let me know if you have any questions and I hope you will be able to take advantage of this opportunity. A 50% deposit is required to reserve a space.


David Blinder

404-403-5739 or 877-442-8006 toll free
Encourage Jeff to consider a short training course in the Houston area. Several advantages to Houston: 1) it is the 3rd largest city in the US with lots of shooters, 2) plenty of ranges to conduct training, and most important, 3) it is close to me :D . Seriously though, I haven't been able to find any 2-3 day courses in the Houston area and I know several shooters where I live (Beaumont, one hour away) would be willing to come over for a course.

I don't want to take away from this class, but we will be in Houston one more time year and a few more next. See you soon.

Thought I'd post an update that there are still some slots open. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me or Jeff.
Will be back in Atlanta next month


I am really looking forward to being back in Atlanta again. I am in the middle of a 3 day advance class right now on the outskirts of Atlanta and will be coming back next month for these classes.

I always look forward to coming to Atlanta so any excuse is a good one. See you all soon.

Try reading up first

First, there are no other classes that cover these topics. These topics are focused disciplines and anything but limited.

Second, it really dosen't matter what others are charging. We set our prices according to what we feel is fair.

Third, feel free to contact me seem to have issues with us and our programs. I would be happy to address them with you.

The going rate for quality instruction is between $150-250 per day of training. If you feel the program is too expensive or limited in scope, it's probably not something appropriate for you.
I've never met or received any training from Mr. Gonzales, but his book on the subject is one of the best I've ever bought/read (particularly the way he articulates the use of sights with a pistol).
It was worth every penny.
His training prices seem to be in line with other instructors/schools of similar caliber/reputation.
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I would love to be there, but I just got a $2000 bill from my car mechanic. Happy Birthday to me! :rolleyes:

Looking forward to training with you next year in Charlotte, Jeff.