

New member

I am gearing up to do the old man triathlon this Saturday.

20 guys. 2 man teams. Names drawn at random.

First event, bow and arrow at 20 yards or crossbow at 40 yards.

Second event, black powder shooting at 50 yards. 2 shots per person.

Final event, euchre tournament. Lol!!!

I have won this event before, but it is tough. Competition is fierce! Regardless, it is a great time to get together with old friends, compete, and have an excellent day in the dead of winter when there really isn't much else to do in southern Michigan.

Not knowing who my partner will be, I am taking the following Arsenal with me. My Mathews Monster bow, Equinox Excalibur crossbow, my old brown barrel CVA 50 cal Hawken, an Ultimate Firearms 50 caliber in line with a Leupold scope, an ROA and Uberti Colt Walker. I should also probably take a long my eyeglasses so I can see my sites, targets and the cards during the euchre tournament! :eek:

I will keep you posted on I do. It all depends on who I draw as a partner, whether it is just a day of fun or a day of serious competition. :D

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I gotta google "euchre" I have no idea what that word means!!!

Oh it's a game of Cards!!!! I got it, had to google it though. What did we do without google! had to go run get a dictionary I guess. Maybe that's why I got fat. Sitting on my backside googling instead of running around looking for a dictionary.
Gary, Wheelchairs and golf carts are legal in the competition. However, there's about 2 foot of snow here right now so they need to be four wheel drive!. :D

Texas, Yeah euchre is a pretty strange game. It's almost regional. You almost have to be born to it. It's also one of those games that is so confusing you almost need a lifetime to learn how to play it. There is skill however, but also like any game of cards, a lot of luck also.

Birch -

Good luck! Sounds like a lot of fun. Sorry to hear though that you have so much snow!

Oh, by the way . . . did I mention that it was a beautiful sunny day in the high 70s down here in southern AZ south of Tucson?:D:eek:

Not really missing all that white stuff back there at all! :p

Seriously though . . . have fun. snow or not, it sounds like all with have good time! :)

Sounds like a fun excuse to get outside and do something this time of year.

And don't lead with trump, unless you are going alone...


... yeah bed bug, rub it in! :D It was a great day though! My partner was 83 years old. No harm there. We came in at about the middle of the pack.

One thing funny though, he kept falling asleep all the time. :D He and I shot black powder early in the competition round. We were done with that event and he found a chair and sat down. Next thing I know I look over and he is asleep. Other teams shooting several at a time 20 feet away. He had no headphones or ear protection at all and was sound asleep! :D

His son was there who is about my age, looked over and saw him asleep and said has anyone checked his pulse? :D

It was a great time and thanks for your cool comments,

Hey Birch - it sounds like a great time was had by all! I had a good chuckle over your partner . . . it's great that at that age he still wants to participate in things like that. That's what keeps folks going and let's face it . . . we're all going to be there someday ourselves . . . and it scares me to think how short that time is! :eek:

I have a friend that age that I got to take the CPL class with me a couple of years ago over at Spring Arbor. He's in Florida for the winter but I get an e-mail every so often that he and another guy from our Lodge that is down there go shooting at a range. It's all good . . . keeps him active and going!

Take care, stay warm and keep your powder dry! :)
So, for the final leg you have to impersonate Bob Euchre & say "Miller Lite! Tastes great, less filling!"? Seems like the event is stacked in the favor of the guy who likes cheap beer the best? :confused: