Tri-County Gun Club - Members?


New member
I noticed in Bruce's post regarding his visit to Salem, OR that Tri-County Gun Club was mentioned.

My wife and I are members and I was wondering how many others from TFL also go out there to shoot.

Haven't been out there yet but I'd sure like to shoot the tactical matches, the schedule hasn't worked out to permit it though. Have you shot that? I have put some rounds downrange at Clackamas PSTC on the LE deck but as you probably know, they require firing their ammo only.

[This message has been edited by SKN (edited September 02, 1999).]
Have not shot Tactical or IPSC yet due to a lack of time on the weekends :( I also understand that Douglas Ridge Rifle Club does IDPA.

I would be happy to give you a tour of Tri-County if you want to check it out. Bring something along to shoot if you like :)

Yes, I know about Clackamas PSTC and the fact that they require firing their ammo only. My son has a membership there.

If you would like to get together, send me a direct email and we will figure something out.


[This message has been edited by DrJon (edited September 02, 1999).]
I belong to ARPC just south of Albany, but I used to shoot IPSC Matches at Tri County. I haven't been to Tri County in at least a year in a half. I need to get up there again just to see the range improvements that have been done.
I shoot at PSTC in Clackamas...both the civie and LEO deck...great place...

dont let the buy their ammo thing draw you away from it...the ammo is competively priced and range is clean.

never been to tri county yet...SDnR

Well I've only been a member for about 9 months but I know they have mde some changes. There is now a 600yd range and the indoor .22 rimfire is being remodeled.


My son took me out there one day to look around. You're correct, it is clean. One of these days I will join him there so he can make me look bad :) The cost of using their ammo is not the issue for me as much as I would prefer to have the option to practice with the same ammo I carry.

Jon, you do indeed have the option of firing off you carry ammo any time you feel like it...this is more of a guide line, not a set in cement can fire off what ever you like there...just talk to the RO's first...It has never been a prob whatsoever.. :)

generally speaking although I carry high end hydroshocks, and have fired them there...I practice with their mid range Blazer or Lawman

hope this clears things up for you...hope to see u there.. :) SDnR
Interesting, I was given the impression that there was no way I could fire anything but their ammo. They told my kid that too. I'll have to speak with the RO. Which is probably what I should have done in the first place.

Thanks for the followup info :)
