Trench Gun


New member
I hope this is considered spamin as this is like my third thread today :P

But i would like some info on shotties as i really like the barrel not the bayonet lug but the vented thing with the holes in (sorry bout my lame termanology) but what is that called and are there any newer pump guns with this as i ting it looks awsome and really suits shotties.

mmmm Winchester m97 . Does anyone agree that , that is one of the butchest shotguns ever made .

Those are super hard to come by nowadays aren,t they ?

One of my favs and on my "would be nice to have one someday" list. Unless you're talking expressly about the trench models, they are not hard to find but they are getting pricey. Many of the good ones have been bought by the CAS crew and chopped down.
The commie's sell a clone now but many folks have issues with buying a new gun that was built by political slaves. Many do not.
The Winchester '97's are mega cool though.
The "vented thing with the holes in it" is also called a heat shield. It keeps one from getting burned by a hot barrel, but makes wiping down the outside of the barrel more difficult.

Several shotgun manufacturers offer them on new shotguns, and their are at least two companies that make them as aftermarket accessories.

I take it a "shottie" is a shotgun?
Sorry thats the brit in me. I had a habbit when i was round my mates that i picked up of calling shotguns Shottie or shotty. Sorry :rolleyes:
I want one.

Does anyone know if the heat shield and bayonet lug can be added to a model 97 takedown that isn't a trench gun, or would the barrel have to be changed?