tree stand & a t/c


New member
I have a question, how do you hold your t/c while waiting for the shot? I will be using a 14 inch scoped t/c with a custom sling. But have yet to come up with a good and safe way to "store'' my t/c while in the stand
... or scratch with the wrong hand! :eek: Hope you're joking about havin' that thing pre-cocked ....

Got my TC sling set so if sitting, it'll just lay in my lap with no tension on my neck. If I'm gonna shoot, the sling provides part of the stability.
tree stand and a T/C

I do use a strap and allow the T/C to rest in my lap. I took an old Photo Monopod and put a soft metal bracket on it. Over the metal bracket I put an old piece of leather from a rifle sling. When I decide to shoot, the monopod gives a lot of stability. The monopod can be extended from 36 to 60 inches.;)
I dont think i would want to sit with a loaded and cocked handgun in my lap all day dosnt seam like a safe or smart thing to do.:barf:

My tree stand has a gun rest made in it. It is a summit xtream with the swivel gun rest should work well with a handgun

Not kidding!

I know that it sound nuts, but I would imagine that any mans attention span can last four or five hours. Muzzle is pointed in a safe direction, away from you and you are "holding" the gun in a manner that is impossible to fire. Didn't say put it loaded on your lap while you doze off, glass or get a bite to eat. Your attention is suppose to be on that loaded firearm and the surrounding forest.

Not going to say that the "click", "click" sound is going to ruin your hunt or that critters are going to jump and run at the sound metallic echoes. It has been my experience that they just stop and then continue on. But there have been occasions that they jet like a bat out of hell or flip a U and head the opposite direction. And unfortunately those animals were the ones I've wanted most. Just offering a safe alternative that will increases stealth and opportunities. That's all.

Keep on hearing something about all day when tree stand hunting. Tree stand hunting is about the only art form I understand while pursuing creatures in the forest. Been doing it for twenty five years or so. Tree stand time is before sunrise until about 10:00 in the morning and about 2:00 in the afternoon till dark. Those four to five hours is all you need and if he ain't there, he ain't coming.

Robert the41MagFan

"Tree stand time is before sunrise until about 10:00 in the morning and about 2:00 in the afternoon till dark. Those four to five hours is all you need and if he ain't there, he ain't coming. "

I love hunters like you at 10 am when you are walking out of the woods you jump the deer and chase them by me. It is a fact that deer do get up and move from about 10 -2 when most hunters are leaving and coming back to the woods.

With the contender once you cock the hammer you must pull the trigger to release it and to recock it you have to break the action to reset the sheer.

It is not a good idea to have any cocked firearm just sitting in your lap. Too many things can happen.

If I have a gun with a safety on it I keep it on until I am ready to fire (contenders and revolvers don’t have one)

a friend of mine, his son was killed with a shotgun that was not on safe it fell out of the stand and went off killing him.
I would rather loose a shot at a deer then be unsafe

Didn't say that it had to be done my way. Only "if" you feel comfortable with it. You obviously do not feel it is a safe idea, you don't feel comfortable, then I would suggest that you don't do as I have prescribed. Nothing wrong with that. Everyone has their own tolerance level.

True story. Have a friend that shot his dog in the butt with a .410 Contender. Said it accidentally discharged while decocking the pistol. Didn't want to shoot the gun ever again because he felt that it was too dangerous.

Good luck hunting. And don't forget the pocket potty (plastic bottle). Sitting all day and having to relieve your bladder makes for a very long day. :)

Different strokes is all & OK by me. I'll not dispute how to hunt.

I have "played around" with revolvers & other type actions enough to muffle the cocking/safety off action that, although I do hunt with a round in chamber, I'll leave the safety on. That's just me. For a revolver, a hand wrapped around the cylinder while cocking helps slowly rotate same. With judicious pressure on trigger while thumbing back hammer seems to alleviate most, if not all, noise. Takes a full extra coupla seconds, if that ... Again, that's just me.

Too, I cannot for the life of me sit still in the same place for hours on end. Did it once for about 4 hours a year or two ago & set my personal all-time record. I'm of the v-e-r-y s-l-o-w watch-the-wind-, take-a-step, look at everything type of hunter - a kinda dark-timber still-hunter. If I find a spot that looks inviting, I may sit there for an hour or so, quietly move on & may "find" another inviting spot only 25 yards or so distance - I'll then plop my butt down & hang out there. Sometimes walk slowly & steadily on w/o "setting up" anywhere. May cover a "whole" mile & a half when in the dark stuff for a day's hunting - varies depending. Takes a huge amount of concentration but I get totally bored sitting on the same stand hours on end.

I figure too, that the critters live, bed down & chew their cud, etc. where I hunt 'em. Doesn't matter time of day as they're either on their way in (= early), actually livin' there (majority of the time), or leavin' to get somewhere else (= later in the day). The dark stuff is where it's at. Shots are usually under 30 yds.

I have yet to take an elk during those "magic moments." Every damned one of them has been between 11AM & 3PM - statistically the worst times of the day. & every one of them was "walked up" & on their own turf.

Actually, I guess the same (re catch 'em on the way in or out) would go for stand hunting .... Only difference is the added benny of extra area coverage where they're bedded down when you hunt 'em up. 'Course it matters emensely the critter, terrain & patterns. Mine is mostly for elk.

41fan, the "cock-when-on-stand" method never would have crossed my mind. I do think that with some practice, you could "get around" that predeliction, but again = your call. Be safe, brother.


Re your "With the contender once you cock the hammer you must pull the trigger to release it and to recock it you have to break the action to reset the sheer."

You are correct for most any standard Contender, but not necessarily true as far as you state & can be different with just a minor modification.

A "trigger pull/weight adjustment" can be done with the "sear spring" (correct technical term escapes me) by cutting off 90 degrees of that very small spring at a time till you like the trigger pull. Very simple, cheap & safe "trigger job." +, on mine anyway, I can re-engage the sear by pulling back on the lower trigger guard (as to break the action). If I maintain any upward pressure on the barrel, the sear will re-engage (no action break) & am all set again to reset the sear/re-cock the hammer. Pretty nifty added extra besides dropping the trigger pull "immediately" by about 1/2.

Seriously, my Contender trigger pull is at (an admittedly unmeasured) 1-1/2 pounds & the proverbial glass rod. Drop an e-mail if you want to discuss this further. It's a way cheap hoot.

BTW, what caliber did you end up with? Did you go for the .375 JDJ?