Traveling to Tacoma Washington with guns.


New member
Might sound dumb but the info I have found on the issue is confising me. It seems to jump all over the place and I can't follow it. All I want to do is travel with 4 - 5 guns. One being an M4. They are all under my name and am legal to have them. Just want to take them with me to go shooting with friends during my visit and might be able to have my CHL in time. I am currently deployed. My home record is New Mexico. Can someone easily sum up for me if my CHL will be valid in Washington state and what. If any. Are the restrictions for me to take these toys with me. Think I read where WA state doesn't aknowledge CHL's from NM either. Thanks to anyone chiming in with advise.
I haven't lived in WA for a few years, so I'm not really current...
WA does NOT honor a NM permit. So you're out of luck there. You won't have any problem bringing guns into the state. You CANNOT have a loaded long-gun (or its loaded magazines) in a vehicle. You CANNOT have a loaded pistol in a vehicle unless you have a valid carry permit recognized by WA. If all you're wanting to do is bring them to a friend's place while visiting, take them (unloaded) to a place to shoot, and home again, you're good to go. Im assuming that none of the weapons you plan to take are NFA items (which would require prior BATFE approval to transport, and for the most part are a no go in WA).