Traveling through New Mexico to Colorado


New member
Will shortly be driving family from Phoenix to Colorado Springs. Can someone provide me with the law regarding a handgun in a vehicle in those two states? I hear Denver is very strict--we may be going there as well.

I thank you in advance for your barrage of advice, facts, and wisdom...
Don't know about Arizona, but in Colorado you may carry a firearm in your car--as long as it's not concealed (easily accessible but hidden from view) glove box = OK. As far as Denver goes, the local laws are heinous. You might think twice about either going there or taking your firearm with you. If you do, make sure you have it as broken down as possible, stored seperately from any ammo, and in the trunk.

Good luck.
I'd like someone to verify this, because I'm not completely sure, but I have heard and read that in New Mexico, one's vehicle is considered an extention of one's home, so carrying a gun, even concealed, is permitted. They also have state preemption.

In Colorado, it's like Lucas said...should be okay under the conditions he stated. We don't have state preemption, so I'm not sure about certain larger cities. very careful there.


Some snippets of New Mexico code:

"Carrying a deadly weapon" means being armed with a deadly weapon by having it on the person, or in close proximity thereto, so that the weapon is readily accessible for use.

A. Unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon consists of carrying a concealed loaded firearm or any other type of deadly weapon anywhere, except in the following cases:
(1) in the person's residence or on real property belonging to him as owner, lessee, tenant or licensee;
(2) in a private automobile or other private means of conveyance, for lawful protection of the person's or another's person or property;
(3) by a peace officer in accordance with the policies of his law enforcement agency who is certified pursuant to the Law Enforcement Training Act [29-7-1 to 29-7-11 NMSA 1978]; or
(4) by a peace officer in accordance with the policies of his law enforcement agency who is employed on a temporary basis by that agency and who has successfully completed a course of firearms instruction prescribed by the New Mexico law enforcement academy or provided by a certified firearms instructor who is employed on a permanent basis by a law enforcement agency.
B. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the carrying of any unloaded firearm.
C. Whoever commits unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.

For persons under 19:

A. Unlawful possession of a handgun by a person consists of a person knowingly having a handgun in his possession or knowingly transporting a handgun, except when the person is:
(1) in attendance at a hunter's safety course or a handgun safety course;
(2) engaging in the use of a handgun for target shooting at an established range authorized by the governing body of the jurisdiction in which the range is located or in an area where the discharge of a handgun without legal justification is not prohibited by law;
(3) engaging in an organized competition involving the use of a handgun;
(4) participating in or practicing for a performance by an organization that has been granted exemption from federal income tax by the United States commissioner of internal revenue as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended or renumbered;
(5) legal hunting or trapping activities;
(6) traveling, with an unloaded handgun in his possession, to or from an activity described in Paragraph (1), (2), (3), (4) or (5) of this subsection; or
(7) on real property under the control of the person's parent, grandparent or legal guardian and the person is being supervised by his parent, grandparent or legal guardian.
B. A person who commits unlawful possession of a handgun by a person is guilty of a misdemeanor.
C. As used in this section:
(1) "person" means an individual who is less than nineteen years old; and
(2) "handgun" means a loaded or unloaded pistol, revolver or firearm which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosion and the barrel length of which, not including a revolving, detachable or magazine breech, does not exceed twelve inches.

[This message has been edited by BAB (edited June 23, 1999).]
When I was out there a few years ago, I understood that N.M. allowed open carry of handguns, is that true?
Yes. Not widley done. Is a felony to carry where alcohol is sold - gas station/beer store/felony ; grocery store/liquor depts/felony etc. Also some other restrictions, should be on the web.
The way the New Mexico law is written, you can have your trusty go-bang in one pocket and the ammo in another. The gun is "unloaded" and you're in compliance with the "loophole" in the law.

This has been referred to as New Mexico's "Handgun Carry Law".
