Traveler's alert - Zimbabwe looks bad.

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The problem as I see it is that there is no one to sort things out there. Mugabe's remark about giving whites an escort out of the country is pretty bald. None of the western countries can get involved as it quickly becomes a black/white thing.

My hunting buddy and I have a close relationship with a PH in Zim. We cannot get through to him and are concerned.

My divorce has put the chocks on any good hunting trips for the next year or two.


I hate to read of your divorce, may the Most Highest see you and yours through it as painlessly as possible.

I do want to make one remark though. Your divorce put the chocks on your hunts -- my divorce has cut the brake lines on mine! :D

Be well,

"... President Robert Mugabe's new law allowing the state to seize land without payment."


"Critics says the cost of sending troops to Congo has been a major factor in Zimbabwe's economic woes."

They surely haven't seen the end of their economic woes, especially when they show such disdain for private property rights. Hope there is not too much bloodshed ...

'Course, these days, we're not so great on private property rights here in the States, either.
(Off topic)
Sneak...good to see you...thought you went the way of the wind.

)resume topic :))

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Well, it's not as if those farmers didn't have some inkling that their time was limited. I'd have been re-named "Long Gone" as soon as the Ian Smith government got clobbered. Sounds like those folks were living in Condition White.

Gives a whole new meaning to "I'm from the government, and I'm here..."

Africa's pretty, but it ain't friendly.

Watched BBC News last night.
Didn't look good.
BBC's news crew was threatened and had to leave one of the farms.
Farm workers were being beat up and retaliating against the squaters.
Every body was armed with axes, hoes, etc.
Its obvious that law and order has broken down in these rural areas.
It is ashamed to what happened to Rhodesia when the communists took over. Will the UN embargo the country this time as well?
Sad to see the same idiotic mistakes made over and over and over ...

1. PJ O'Rourke will likely be reporting, in a few years, on the famine that overtakes Zimbabwe when the 'squatters' seize these lands and fail to raise enough food for the nation.

2. Farmers will be asking themselves why they neglected to buy quality firearms and ammunition when they could, and / or why they obeyed government orders to disarm.

3. Communists will cynically fool another population into believing that communal ownership will deliver the promised land. Instead, it will simply turn an impoverished country into a complete basket case.

4. The UN and / or the US will be providing food for another nation that drags itself into the economic black hole of communism / socialism. We will also disarm anyone left armed, assure everyone of their safety, and then wring our hands when disarmed, honest human beings are massacred by violent human animals.

Pessimistic? I don't think so ... just tired of seeing the same 'history' replayed with so little recognition of its near-inevitability.

I feel for these farmers. When you live in an apartment, packing up and moving seems a reasonable option. When you've built civilization and a business out of raw land over decades, I'm sure that combat seems the better choice. I hope wiser heads prevail, and further violence can be averted.

Damn shame.
I am in contact with people in former Southern Rhodesia and it appears the farmers do have weapons but fear getting the sensible blacks off-side in the (promised ) elections.

If the elections are cancelled then it is all set for mass evacuations to UK and white "MAU MAU" type defence.

But I dont fancy their chances and my advice to them when Zimbabwe was formed was to sell up as soon as the calm before the bloodbath they were sure to have, and get out with some capital...forget the fact you were born there, love the lifestyle.
So I moved to Australia....blacks are 5% of the population here - not vice-versa.

...but then I was also a pessimist for South Africa as well ....for all of the last 50 years !!!

***Big Bunny***
Folks, I'm locking the thread. Great discussion, but we've evolved the subject into an area that's not 'zakly hunting.

Thanks for the comments though!

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