Translation help !

Christian 812

New member
Hi Guys,

Normally, I belong to the semi-auto forum.
I found a very interesting document that can help myself and other guys at the range here in Belgium to correct some bad shooting habits.

It is whritten in English and I'm French speaking and even If I (mostly) do understand ... difficult for other French speaking shooters to "dig" the exact meaning !

Is that anyone outhere speaking English and French as they breathe and able to translate ? If I can understand what a "limp" whrist is ... "too little" or "too much" trigger finger remain a mystery !

Tks for answers.
limp wrist = poignet mou

Although I do not speak French too well, I believe that limp wrist means "poignet mou". In other words, you're not keeping your wrist stiff enough. Too little trigger finger means "trop peu de doigt de déclenchement", and too much triger finger means "trop de doigt de déclenchement". I hope this helps and doesn't confuse even more. Like I said, my French is horrible.
Heeling is pushing on the back of the grip with the "heel" of the palm in anticipation of recoil.

Thumbing is pushing on the gun with the thumb while pulling the trigger. This is common as the trigger finger and thumb are trained to work together.

Too much trigger finger means that the trigger finger has been pushed through the trigger guard too far. This means that the trigger finger is curled around the trigger more than it should be. Instead of pulling straight back, the curling of the trigger finger will pull the gun to one side.

Too little trigger finger means that the trigger finger isn't far enough into the trigger guard. This means that the trigger finger is pushing on the side of the trigger instead of pushing directly backwards. This will cause the gun to be pushed to one side.

I know that's not exactly a translation, but perhaps the more thorough explanation will help make sense of the chart.
Thanks guys,

With all these infos, I'll be able to translate and explain.


Could you tell me what is the difference beetween :

- Pushing (anticipating recoil) or not follow through
- ... and heeling (anticipating recoil)

Also, how do you explain "jerking or slapping trigger" and "drooping head".
By head, do they mean your head or gun muzzle ?

With my 2 guns (P226, HK P2000), I group nicely at 20 yards but allways in the 8 / 12 clock, the guns are not guilty ... but me.
Pushing (anticipating recoil) or not follow through

pushing the gun forward in anticipation of recoil. Not following through- breaking your stance and concetration too soon.

and heeling (anticipating recoil)
basically a flinch, movement in anticipation of recoil.

jerking or slapping trigger
improper trigger squeeze, causes the gun to pitch right or left. Like grpping something, loss of control

drooping head".
By head, do they mean your head or gun muzzle ?

your head, it should be up and square
I'm getting close to understand !

Being French speaking, I believed that my English was good ...!
What is great about speaking a different language is that you can spent an entire life to learn !