Translating marketing slogans - meaning of "BATF approved"

Futo Inu

New member
Since I assume all guns I see advertised in Shotgun news are sold legally, and therefore must by definition be, in some general way, "BATF approved", when I see this phrase, then, which is getting more and more common, I presume it really means something like "These are new imports with different specs (from 'pre-ban' AKs, etc.), so they don't accept full-cap mags". Am I being cynical, or am I correct in my guess?

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited December 21, 1999).]
I think the advertiser is trying to appeal to the newbies who are terrified of incurring the Wrath Of Janet. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Seems to me to be putting the cart before the horse...

There used to be an element of respect and trust in the "approving" organization; like Good Housekeeping, the American Dental Association...those organizations earned the trust and they knew it.

Like I give a rat's ass what the BATF approves or not....a johnny come lately bunch of despotic thugs and corrupt pols.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
DC and Art: LOL so hard I'm light-headed. Points taken, but do you have an additional comment on my actual question?
they use few words than saying:
these guns do not accept assault rifle magazines and are therefore legal to import


I believe you are correct. Won't it be interesting when instead of "Joe's Gunshop" saying BATF approved...the BATF gets some dippy little seal and stamps/decals stuff like Underwood Testing Labs or Good Housekeeping Magazine?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
There are 2 types of semi auto clones
currently being advertised as
"BATF Approved"

One type has an extreemly narrow
magizine well designed to only accept
reduced capacity --INLINE-- 10 SHOT mags;
similar to Colt 1911 mags (as an example).

The other ,called SAR1, is a Romanian made clone of the aks. No barrel threads,
no bayonet lug but has an original style open pistol grip which is an American made part,
along with 7 other American made parts installed on the gun by the American importer.This rifle accepts all full capacity staggered ak mags, including the drum mags.

The rifle is approved by the batf because of the proper number of American parts installed. Removal of one of the American parts would dis approve the rifle and make it illegal.

-----------------------------------------------After the gore has disarmed us all and the USA has been disbanded and is ruled by the united nations, the exterestials will make themselves known to us as our new world
government leaders. We will all be their
slaves. I just hope they dont develope a "taste for mankind"!


Translation: "These human sheeple arn't
bad, but its an aquired taste and takes some getting use to. They taste best medium well
Yes ,we will all remember Klinton & Gore. those born after the people ban will be post-ban. That makes us pre-ban!!!

Where can I get a nifty finger tatoo?