Transferring title II items from a gov agency to an individual?


New member
Here's an interesting question I can't seem to find the answer to:

How do Police Departments (state, not federal) acquire NFA items? Do they go through the same transfer Form 1 procedure, or are they completely exempt from the NFA process? And what about if the department want's to transfer that item to a private individual?

I have a friend that works for a police department here in Virginia, and there is a possibility of him being allowed to "purchase" a used SBS from the department. Before he goes and asks too many questions, is this something that is even possible?
Yes it is doable. I own a SBS that was previously owned by the Columbus police dept. I don't know who would need to sign the form 4 to transfer the gun to your friend.
Not correct at all, if legal in the location where the officer lives it will not transfer on a tax paid form 4 as all govment transfers in/out are tax free on a form 5. He will still need all other NFA paperwork, prints, cleo, trust, corp. etc just like any other NFA transfer but there will be no tax paid.
As to incoming NFA to a dept. they can form 1, anyone can form 1 on the behalf of the dept., they can purchase and receive on form 5, they can confiscate illegal weapon and form 10, for dept use. Then can get temp use of govment surplus guns for dept. use, but ownership remains US govment. The only form they would not use is a form 4 tax paid.
I don't want to get too deep in this can of worms, but I believe a Form 10 transfer can be for any governmental use, not just police/LEA use. Form 10 transfers have been used to transfer guns to government (not private) museums.

Just talked to my NFA dealer. He agrees, form 10.

My 590A1 sbs is on form 4 and that confused me. My dealer got a dozen of them (on form 10) and then it transferred one to me on form 4.

Learning is cool.
still confused but I will keep reading and the actual BATFE stuff doesnt help if you don't know it already!

Thanks for the continued lesson's,
I'm confused now. I thought a Form 10 was to transfer to a government agency, not from. A government agency would transfer to a civilian for "civilian use" on a Form 10 as well?
If you get a class 3 FFL involved, the guns go to them on form 10 and to the private citizen on form 4. As I said, that's how I got my SBS.

If there is a better/different way, I don't know it.
This thread is so full of incorrect crap it should be deleted.

Form 10 guns can never go anywhere but another agency, they can never even goto a LE dealer, only other agencies, no way you got a form 4 gun that was done on a form 10.
How did this get into my house then? I asked my dealer how he got it and that is what I posted in this thread. (edit: he could have forgotten, been mistaken, or lied to me. It's hard to say. [or he could be spot on and you are the one that is wrong])


If I have presented bad information here, I apologize. If you have better, by which I mean, CORRECT, information you need to share it. Not say that something can't happen and a thread should be locked.

What I have posted in this thread I thought to be good (true) information. By your words I am wrong. I will quit this thread now.

David Hineline, you have put yourself in charge of this bit of NFA education so tell us...

How does a law enforcement agency properly transfer a NFA regulated weapon to a private citizen?

edit: boy that is a bad pic:p
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From an agency, a transferable weapon would go on a tax free form 5, to another agency, a firearms dealer, or direct to an individual. A restricted post 86 machinegun would transfer on form 5 tax free to another agency or to a LE dealer if the dealer had an agency demo request letter for that gun as a sales sample.

Form 10 guns are always and only government use only.
So you are saying that you would not need to pay the $200 tax if a government (state) agency transferred a title II weapon to you (an individual)?

All your buddy needs to do if find an NFA dealer that will handle a transfer find him a SBS that he wants, buy it and have it sent to the dealer everything to this point he doesnt need to know about except writing a check and paying a transfer to the dealer he is using. Then he needs to fill out a form 1 and get the chief or the sherif to sign off on it and get fingerprinted and photo's shot and mail it in with a $200 check. that or he can ask his chief if the department can buy him an sbs and then they can issue it to him. if he quites it goes back to the department. who cares about forms if the department is handling it. If HE wants a gun he should buy it for himself but thats my2cents