Transferring a Handgun Interstate - WTF??


New member
Has anyone else tried to transfer a handgun across state lines lately? ATF regulations state that a non-licensee may send a licensee (in any state) through a common/contract carrier. [18 U.S.C. 922(a)(2)(A) and 922(e), 27 CFR 178.31]

Why is it then, that all FFL's are now requiring the seller to SEND the firearm via another FFL?

Generally because they do not know the laws that govern their own business. They have apparently never bought a used gun from an individual who is out of state. I have had to call a BATF branch office to express my concern about who they were issuing licenses to. A call from the BATF branch office to the FFL holder set him straight. If he is that stupid you would probably be better off finding another dealer to handle transfers through, there is no telling how screwed up the rest of his business is. When I hear about this it is usually about dealers who charge $50 or more to handle a transfer. The ones I use charge $10-$20.
It is legal for anyone to ship a firearm to an FFL holder in another state as long as the license covers that type of firearm.

BUT, the shipper should obtain a SIGNED COPY of the receiver's FFL. That ensures the shipper that the shipment is legal and also that the receiver knows the gun is on the way. Never ship a gun to an FFL holder "cold". The licensee must be able to account for every gun in his possession that is covered by his license; a cold drop is very bad news.

Note I said the shipment is legal, not that the licensee has to accept it or to allow it. The above is why many dealers will not accept shipments from non-licensees. It is not ignorance of the law, there are just too many potential problems.
