Transfering weapon from Ca


New member
I've got a friend out in CA with one of those evil AK style weapons and I'm buying it from him before SB23 goes into effect.

What do we need to do for me to purchase it from him? Can he send it to an FFL here or does he need an FFL dealer out in Ca to send it to one here??

We want some kind of paper trail for him showing it was legally sold and removed from the land of fruit and nuts :)


I advise going through an FFL on both ends.
Why? I'm pretty cynical and when this "enlightened State" decides to go after owners that had registered these type guns, they will be emboldened and they will need to show examples of how tough they are.

Don't forget that the primary reason for all of this is to eliminate these types guns, so harrassing owners with spotty paperwork sends a message to others. Its intimidation...
Better you and your buddy spend an extra $30-50 now than have him spend $1000's later in legal fees, potential charges that would prohibit him from having any gun and hours of time trying to straighten it out.

You've read here where Calif will even go after ex-residents in other states due to faulty paperwork. Point is once paper is made, ya gotta keep the paper trail in order.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Sounds to me like a compelling reason to keep as many guns as possible off the papers or at least to confuse the trail. But then I have been known to be unrealistic...
It appears he has some time to consider. Even after SB23 goes into effect on January 1, 2000, there is a one year period to register the thing. I expect someone will come up with a stock that will make the AK series rifles legal, as long as it doesn't have a bayonet lug or flash hider. And, if you look at the after market industry, it is becoming increasingly difficult to tell the difference between a muzzle brake and a flash hider.
Thanks for all the good imput. He got it from a Turners sporting goods store and only filled out the 4473. He is trying to find a FFl dealer willing to do the paperwork and ship the rifle for him to my FFl dealer. This way his rear end is covered. Anybody know a good FFL dealer in the Apple Vally area??