Transferable 93 Raffica


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If we ever arrange a TFL get-together shoot, you guys are welcomed to my stuff.

The front grip does help, but the stock is the biggest factor in controllability.

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Here’s what shot distribution looks like with the stock, at 7 yards, emptying the magazine rapidly.


This is known as a Bixler-Boatman 93R.

All transferable 93Rs are clones. There are no factory transferable 93Rs.

There are two types of 93R clones: the Taurus framed versions and the Bixler machined versions. Here is a story, as relayed by someone else as to how Tim Bixler made the 93Rs...


The story Tim Bixler tells about making the transferable 93r guns is pretty funny. Apparently he had 1 pre 86 gun that he used to reverse engineer the frames from. He did not have any spare parts so what he would do would strip the pre86 gun's frame bare and send it back to Beretta and they would install all new parts. He did this a few times each time getting a new set of parts to complete the transferable frames to complete the guns. Beretta finally would not replace the parts and thus he could not make any more guns since the part sets at the time were just not available.


This is the source of the quote

These guns run flawlessly. They're beautiful guns that are extremely fun to shoot.