Transfer question

Rob Pincus

New member
Okay, I know that I should know this, but who can keep up.

I have gotten it on pretty good authority that state to to state tranfers cannot be handled without an FFL, though in-state private transfers are still 100% okay under [/b]federal law. Situations like Jersey, California, etc excepted.

I felt it prudent to edit my original message, until someone definitely changes my current impression that I was wrong in believing private interstate transfers of long guns were legal.


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 12-05-98).]
Rob,I believe as of Nov 30, we are all under Instant-Check.All transfers must go through Nation Crime Computer( Don't know the proper name),this even includes your gun returned to you from the smith.No more transfers between indiviguals with out a Instant-Check. Cost here is $10 and more. Jerry


Thanks for trying, Jerry, but that is bad info....

The repair check is myth and we are still allowed to privately transfer weapons ([addendum:] inside of most states for now...). Only transfers through FFLs are regulated by the Brady Bill II.


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 12-05-98).]
In Calif, by law all transfers, whether or not money changes hands, must go thru a licenced dealer and the dealer has to do the check. This has been in effect in Calif for the last few years, Brady not withstanding. In fact, Brady was not operative here because it was more "liberal" (in the good sense ironically) than state law. Further, newspapers do not take classified ads for firearms.

In short, legally you couldn't even give me a firearm without a dealer being a middleman.
Addendum: This refers to ownership, not repairs. Theoretically, you could be prosecuted for even lending a firearm without going through channels.
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited 12-04-98).]
Right, DC, New Jersey has similar laws. Again though, I still am under the impression that if you came to Tennessee and I gave you a rifle (or possibly a handgun, that is part of my question...) it would be up to you to take care of making sure it was legal to bring back to your home.

Let's face it, reality is this: Anyone on this list comes to the Gunshow at the Nashville fairgrounds this weekend and can buy a handgun from me as a private transfer and take it home.

The state I had in mind when I thought this question up was Virgina, so maybe Mike or Kodiac have some good info on the subject. Can I go there and trade rifles with Kodiac for example without breaking any laws ??


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 12-05-98).]
I looked in "The VA Gun Owners Guide" (Bloomfield Press, ISBN D-9621958-7-1), and near as I can tell, the sale of guns between private individuals isn't regulated in VA. However, any governing body may require the seller of any revolver or pistol to furnish the name & address of the purchaser, the date of sale, and the serial no. make & caliber of any such weapon with in ten days of it sale to the clerk of the circut court of the county . Now obviously, they aren't going to know of the sale if you don't tell them, but pragmatically, what this means is that if you sell a gun in VA, keep good records of who you sold it to. If a gun used in a crime is recovered, it can be quickly traced to the dealer that sold, he has to keep records of who he sold to (you), & then they (whoever 'they' are) will be at your place asking hard questions about the whereabouts of the gun in question, which will be a whole lot easier to answer if you have good records of your firearm transactions. Please take the above witha grain of salt, it is based on a quick re-read. Pax, M2