

New member
I'd call this training, so I guess this is the right place for this thread.

Over the Labor Day weekend I had the opportunity to give two 13 yr olds their first shooting experience. My family has a big get-together that weekend every year and my nephew brought some friends. His mother carefully explained to the parents of these two (different families) that there would be lots of guns and lots of shooting going on and that her brother (me) would probably want to introduce them to the sport. The parents of one of them, the lad, were not gun people at all and maybe a little uncomfortable with the idea, but they trusted my sister's judgement when she told them I would do it safely.

I stressed the four rules and started them out with a single-shot bolt gun. They then got to shoot a .22 pump and try my 10-22 "black rifle." The girl's face really lit up after she shot the .410 shotgun. The boy took to the Ruger single-six, but what made his face really light up was shooting my SAA .45 Colt. Before the weekend was over they were hunting bullfrogs (successfully, I might add).

It is rare to have the opportunity to introduce someone to shooting and give them that "first time" memory. What a great weekend!
Just wondering...what are "The four rules"?

Took my eight year old son shooting this past weekend too. Keep the sport going. :)
Four Rules?

You mean the ones about treating all firearms like their loaded, never pointing one at anything you don't want dead or destroyed, be sure of your target and what's behind it, and keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target? Those are the ones I meant.
Sounds Fun!!

I remember when I shot my first firearm. My father and I went to a friends house who had lots of land with a shooting range behind his house. I shot my father's Remmington 870 Shotgun man did I get a bruise! He put 1 shell in man did I get beat up. I think I was about 11. After that I was firing all kinds of cool weapons. :)