Training Videos, Opinions?


New member
I've been watching a lot of training videos lately, not because I feel I need to learn all the tacticool techniques or anything like that, but just to get new ideas and different views on things. I am not talking firearms only, martial arts, self defense, and some older military combatives.

What videos have you seen that you liked or disliked?

Or do you not care for them? Why?

I like the Magpul videos so far, as well as some of Gabriel Suarez's stuff. Clint Smiths Urban Rifle and Handgun videos were alright, he's an interesting character. I honestly don't care for all of the religious talk they put into some of these, but that's a personal thing. I have only seen one Gunsite video, and that was the Tactical Edged Weapons 1&2. I didn't much care for them, rather boring and basic. The second video had a good avoidance technique, but aside from that it had a lot of situations and obvious "techniques". Some of the "America's Ultimate Warrior" videos were laughable for me. Specifically the shotgun video.
Magpul's dvd sets are excellent. Dynamic handgun and shotgun are both very good. I know the shotgun dvd set changed my mind and views on the shotgun as a home defense weapon, I stick to a pistol now. Their carbine DVD's are excellent as well.
If there is a DVD available for a class I want to take, I'll buy it as a primer for the class, then as a refresher for afterward.
That's a good idea Smince, it's always nice to have that refresher after the class. I have never had the chance to take a class, but hope to in the near future.

I forgot to mention the "Inside the Crucible" set. I liked them, I liked the teaching aspect, like the Magpul videos, and he explained things well. The humor is always a nice touch. I didn't care for the use of the knife all that much, it was good that he noted the deployment of the knife and made them practice that.
I'm one who doesn't care for them much. They tend to appeal to the lazy and cheap side of human nature; people think that by watching a DVD, they're "trained" without the experiance (or effort and cost) of face to face insrtuction. I've overheard too many guys at varioius ranges talking not about classes they've been to, but videos they've seen. There is no substitue for quality instruction, and a video, without the benifit of an instructor, is pretty much worthless. Would You chosse a surgon who hadn't done any residency, just learned his profession by DVD? Physical skills require hands on instruction.

If there is a DVD available for a class I want to take, I'll buy it as a primer for the class, then as a refresher for afterward.

^^ This is a great use of DVDs as instruction matiral.
I'm a huge fan of the Army Marksmanship Unit Videos (and books) put out in partnership with the Civilian Marksmanship Program.

They are low cost, well put together, and (with different videos) cover all aspects of shooting.

One shouldn't be supprised, that's their main mission, Both CMP and AMU were established to train US Citizens in Marksmanship.

Give their bookstore a looksee, there's something for everyone.
Madhatter, I couldn't agree more. It's like the guys I know that see martial arts moves on tv and then think they know them. I like to watch the videos for ideas that I can practice, but I don't expect to know them without someone who teaches them to tell me I am doing it right. But that's why I like them, as smince said, it's a primer and refresher.
Do search for Kyle Lamb on youtube, he runs some pretty good drills and has a ton of real world experience. Another good one for up close and personal is this one by Ernest Langdon. I tried it today from about 5 yards with a few feet between each target and got it in 5.7 seconds using a glock 23.
Videos give you exposure to new techniques. I work for a small department and the required training we get does not cover what to do when SHTF. I got the Magpul videos and after seeing that and practicing I can now clear malfunctions with both my pistol and rifle with one hand if I am in a bad situation.