Training to fire from a moving vehicle

I noticed the other day that someone had started a thread about firing a gun from a motorcycle. It has since been removed, and I believe it was meant as a joke, but has anyone seriously tried firing a handgun from a moving vehicle? Not while driving, obviously, but while a passenger. It's no easy task. Do any of the pros out there have any suggestions as to techniques? I know this is a skill I will probably never need, but it's still a lot of fun to try when my buddies and I go shooting out in the country. So far we have tried from an ATV and my truck, but haven't been very accurate.
Fast and Fancy Revolver Shooting by Ed McGivern has a section on shooting from running boards I found interesting.

Then there is a Cowboy Action shooting event -Mounted Action Shooting or shooting from horses (my wife and grandaughter are into this).

A few years ago Zak Smith put on a Multi Gun match at Gurnesy WY where we shoot from a HUMV, that was fun.

In my younger years I use to shoot jackrabits on a dirt bike.

Fun yes, practical for SD no.

Aside from military convoy training...

... and some bodyguard type training schools, I don't know of anybody who teaches this, and can't think of anybody who should devote much time to practicing it.
can't think of anybody who should devote much time to practicing it.

Because its fun, not all shooting and training is for self defense, a whole lot of people (my self included) shoot for fun and pleasure. In fact that is my primary reason for owning guns.

It's a sport like gulf (yuk), bowling, tennis, etc etc.
Then there is a Cowboy Action shooting event -Mounted Action Shooting or shooting from horses

I wish I had the video of my horse making a instant left turn when I touched off my pistol next to her head. I, on the other hand, continued forward for another fifteen to twenty feet.

Those Rugers will work even when packed with arena sand.


I guess this doesn't qualify as the OP's "moving vehicle".
Maybe Clint Smith likes different shooting games then I do. Not all shooting sports is about self defense.

Sporter Rim fire matches are big around here, but not a good training venue for self defense, same with CMP GSM Vintage Military Rifle Games.

Different strokes.

Along the same lines, I think a golf course is a waste of a good rifle range.

... I understand the concept of shooting for fun. Let me qualify my previous statement:

Courses that teach shooting from vehicles tend to have a lot of risk assessment done during course design. Steps are taken to ensure safe backstops; minimize chances of injury to others in the vehicle; compensate for driver distraction; etc. Just figure the potential for ejected brass to hit the driver in the face, if the shooter is in the passenger compartment, for example.

So, the thought of Bubba and Billy Bob just winging it on a random back road and saying, "Hey y'all, check this out!" is just a bit worrisome.
You need to take the next step:

I recall seeing an ad (perhaps in Small Arms Review) for a chance to shoot from a chopper! No, not a Harley, I think they used a Jetstar. Just think, there you are, 150 feet above the ground at 100 Knots, trying to hit a target!

Yeeee Haw!
... and some bodyguard type training schools, I don't know of anybody who teaches this, and can't think of anybody who should devote much time to practicing it.

Not sure if this is how you quote, but anyway. I do know a company that teaches this, among other things. When they do their stuff here they use paintball guns, not real weapons. I have watched them do this, looks fun but it is dangerous, they are hanging out of the windows in moving, and manuvering vehicles.
A friend of mine a good while back had been in the military. He described an exercise they did shooting a machine gun that was mounted in a jeep. He said that even with tracers it was incredibly difficult to hit anything while the jeep (not Humvee) was moving.

I don't know if having the gun mounted to the vehicle helps or hurts, but it sounded like fun anyway.
I don't know if having the gun mounted to the vehicle helps or hurts,

I've done both, MGs and rifles, its easier with a rifle, you can roll with the movement. You're right it is fun.

Out side of SE Asia I've done firing from a helichopter in the Guard. I always volenteered to be the range officer. They fired '60s over the mud flats and brass was considered un-recoverable. I'd hang out on the skids with a ruck sack catching brass. My marksmanship unit was always short of turn in brass, I cleared a lot of it that way.

But its true, out side of the military there is no practical use of shooting from a vehcile but it is a heck of a lot of fun.
You no what worries me; are classless statements like "bubba and billybob" I am bubba; I am billybob and I am damn offened by your thoughtless comment!

As for shooting from the bk off a pick up; sounds like fun. Shooting from the passenger seat of a car; sounds like danger.
I don't trust the police and they are dangerous; they would be useless if they weren't, but I do respect them. I respect the courage and commitment it takes to accept such a responsibility. It seems you have little respect for "bubba and billybob" Too bad, my buddy named Bubba is a really interesting fella, a medic who spends much of his time reading military history books; he doesn't own a gun and drives a toyota passenger car. Don't know any Billybob's though.
Not too long ago, shooting while riding horseback was a basic skill for many in the military.

Then in the 1920s, shooting from the running board with bangers, Tommys, and shorts became quite popular, especially in Chicago.

Since then, all I can think of are some hoodlums with AKs or Mac-10s in various 80s GM vehicles.