Training Suggestions


New member
Background: I'm a somewhat experienced firearms user, I served 13 years in the Army in a non-combat role, meaning I've qualified with an M-16 at the range about every 6 months usually scoring expert or very high sharpshooter (something like 30-40 hits out of 40 rounds at distances up to 300 meters with no optics). I've been out for quite a while so I'm sure I'm not quite that good anymore. I also have had a few hours' worth of pistol instruction with an NRA instructor about a year ago. I go to the range probably twice a month to shoot pistols and rifles and I can shoot "minute of chest cavity" at hallway distances with the pistol and can still group up the rifle shots pretty well, but I don't have ready access to anything more than 100 yard ranges.

What I'm looking to do when I get back home from this current (contractor) deployment in Afghanistan is to spend some of this hard earned danger pay on a 3-5 day pistol class. I've looked at Thunder Ranch (cheapest), Gunsite (middle), and Front Sight (very expensive). I was wondering if anyone had any feedback on any or all of these facilities.

Bill Rogers shooting School in Ellajay, GA; Tom Givens' Rangemaster out of Memphis, TN (Tom holds classes all over the country); Tiger McKee's Shootrite Firearms Academy near Guntersville, AL. There are more good ones, I'm sure, but these three are money well spent;)
Duane Dieter, Jeff Gonzales, Massad Ayoob, Bill Scott Raceway...

If you are a PSC/PMC or work as a armed professional, I'd check out the training programs/classes of these highly rated instructors;
John Shaw(Mid South), Duane Dieter, Larry Vickers, Jeff Gonzales, Massad Ayoob, , Clint Smith(Thunder Ranch), the SIG Sauer Academy, Bill Scott Raceway(WV).
Former US Navy SEAL officer & founder of SEAL Team 6, Richard Marcinko, , sent his elite operators to Bill Scott Raceway to learn defense driving/EP operations.

The late Chris Kyle(the decorated SEAL murdered in TX) taught many cops & armed professionals thru Craft Intl. I'm not sure if the firm is still open.

The late Chris Kyle(the decorated SEAL murdered in TX) taught many cops & armed professionals thru Craft Intl. I'm not sure if the firm is still open.

Craft International is still open, and they are still a top notch facility; just as Chris would want.
Of the three you listed, Thunder Ranch and Gunsite are both very well thought-of.


While I have not had the pleasure of attending any of the three listed (Thunder Ranch, Gunsite, Front Sight), I have shot with several shooters who have. They all unanimously put Front Sight at the bottom of their list. They each liked Thunder Ranch and Gunsite, some liked one more than the other; but each have shot multiple classes with each company. None of them have taken more than one class at Front Sight, and I doubt any of them will.

In summary, pax nailed it on the head.