Training Resources!

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This thread is for excellent, available training resources. If you know of a resource that should be added, please drop a note to one of the moderators.


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Learn / review the intracacies and implications of handling a firearm
and be able to defend yourself with it. What are
the decision making issues relevant for the use of a firearm when
a life threatening situation occurs?

Log onto Freedom Broadcast Network - FBN
or to this Direct Link:

Tune into the Self Defense Network on Channel [3] where world renowned Conceal Carry Weapons Instructor - Richard Stefani teaches the above topics and more on video with a Conceal Carry perspective.

Richard Stefani's FREE on-line Self Defense Course is divided into 23 Chapters. You and your loved ones can watch these videos at your own pace. Learn for the first time or be reminded of the important aspects of handling a firearm even if you are an experienced gun owner.
These drills were originally posted by TFL member Jeff22 in late 2006. I’ve combined them here for easy reference. The original thread may be accessed at ~ pax

100 round Handgun Practice Drill -Modified
As described by Leroy Thompson
August 2000
Pages 72-75

Target Used: As available. IDPA or IPSC silhouette targets preferred.

Time Limits: Time limits based on the skill set of the group being trained. Exercises from concealment require a longer time limit. Accuracy should be emphasized over speed.

Stage 1 -- 3 yards/Close Combat

On signal, draw and engage the target with 2 rounds from a weapon retention/close combat position. 5X. total of 5 rounds.

Stage 2 -- 3 yards/Double Tap

On signal, draw and engage the target with 2 rounds. 3X total of 6 rounds.

Stage 3 -- 3 or 5 yards/Failure to Stop Drill

On signal, draw and engage the target with 2 rounds to the body and 1 round to the head. 2X total of 6 rounds.

Stage 4 -- 3 or 5 yards/Precision Shooting

The target to be engaged should be partially screened by a "no shoot" target. 2/3rd to 1/2 of the threat target should be visible. On signal, draw and engage the threat target with 2 rounds. 3X total of 6 rounds. -10 points for each hit on a "no shoot" target.

Stage 5 -- 5 yards/Strong Hand Only

On signal, draw engage the target with 2 rounds STRONG HAND ONLY. 3X total of 6 rounds.

Stage 6 -- 5 yards/Shooting while moving laterally

6A -- Draw and engage the target with 2 rounds while walking from the left. 3X total of 6 rounds.
6B -- Draw and engage the target with 2 rounds while walking from the right. 3X total of 6 rounds.

Stage 7 -- 10 yards/Multiple targets

Three threat targets are set up 10 yards down range. On signal, draw and engage each target with 2 rounds, perform a mandatory reload, and re-engage each target with 2 rounds. 1X total of 12 rounds. (To modify this drill into the classic "El Presidente" exercise, have the shooter begin with his/her back to the targets. On signal, pivot then draw and perform the drill)

Stage 8 -- 10 yards/Weak hand only

The target is engaged with 1 round WEAK HAND ONLY. To begin, the shooter can draw strong hand and then transfer to the weak hand before shooting. Then the shooter can begin with the weapon held in the weak hand at low ready. As shooter proficiency and dexterity increases, the drill can begin with with the shooter performing a WEAK HAND ONLY DRAW of the holstered weapon. 5X total of 5 rounds.

Stage 9 -- 15 yards/Use of cover

Three threat targets are set up. High or low cover is set up at the 10 and 15 yard lines. At the signal, the shooter moves laterally to cover at the 10 yard line, draws and engages each target with 2 rounds, reloads behind cover then moves cover at the 15 yard line and re-engages each target with 2 rounds. 2X total of 24 rounds.

Stage 10 -- 25 yards/Precision shooting

On signal, draw and engage the target with 6 rounds. 2X total of 12 rounds.

Stage 12 -- 50 yards/Prone shooting

On signal, draw and move to the prone position and engage with target with 6 rounds. 1X total of 6 rounds.


100 round practice drill (Tom Campbell)
100 Round Handgun Practice Drill
Designed by Tom Campbell

As described in the article "Shooting Skills: Care & Maintenance"
Volume 10 Number 8 (November 1998) Page 58

Facing 2 targets, 6 feet apart shoulder to shoulder

Distance Rounds Exercise Description Time Limit

7 yards 5 rnds One shot on each draw 1.5 sec

10 yards 5 rnds One shot on each draw 2.0 sec

15 yards 5 rnds One shot on each draw 2.5 sec

25 yards 5 rnds One shot on each draw 3.0 sec


7 yards 10 rnds Two shots on each draw 2.5 sec

7 yards 12 rnds From the ready gun position 3.0 sec
Fire two shots on the body and
One shot on the head. 4X


10 yards 10 rnds Using two targets, fire one 6.0 sec
Shot on T1, reload, and fire
One shot on T2. 5X

10 & 15 yds 20 rnds T1 at 10 yds & T2 at 15 yds 8.0 sec
Fire two shots on T1, reload,
Fire two shots on T2. 5X

10 yards 10 rnds Draw with the strong hand 3.0 sec
Only and fire two shots. 5X

10 & 25 yds 8 rnds Both targets are partially 7.0 sec
Obscured by a "no shoot"
Target. T1 at 10 yds & T2
At 25 yds. Draw and fire one
Shot on T1 and one shot on
T2. 4X.


 Time limits can be adjusted as needed.
 IPSC or IDPA target scored 5-4-2


100 round practice drill (Clint Smith)
100 round practice drill
Based on a practice drill described by
CLINT SMITH of Thunder Ranch
In American Handgunner Magazine
January/February 2006
Pages 32 & 88

Stage One/5 or 7 yards: Warm up drills/Focus on Accuracy

Load 3 magazines with 10 rounds each

From the holster, draw and fire 10 sighted pairs. Focus on accuracy. (20 rnds)

From the ready position:

  • Strong hand only, fire 5 singles. Focus on accuracy. (5 rnds)
  • Weak hand only, fire 5 singles. Focus on accuracy. (5 rnds)

Stage Two/5 or 7 yards: The Mozambique Drill

Load 3 magazines with 10 rounds each

From the holster, draw and fire two rounds to the body and one round to the head (aka "The Mozambique Drill"). Be smooth. Focus on accuracy. Perform this drill 10 times. (30 rnds)

Stage Three/5 or 7 yards: Out of Battery Reloads

Load each of 3 magazines with 2 rounds each: Out-of-battery reloads:

From the holster, draw and fire two, reload, fire two, reload, and fire two.
(2+2+2). Perform this drill 2 times. (12 rnds)

Stage Four/5 or 7 yards: Clearing failure to fire malfunctions

Load each of 2 magazines with 4 live rounds and one inert "dummy" round.

From the holster, draw and engage the target, clearing the malfunction with a "tap-rack-ready" malfunction clearance whenever necessary. (8 rnds)

Stage Five/10 and 15 yards: Accuracy at distance

Load each of 2 magazines with 10 rounds each

  • At 10 yards from the holster, draw & fire 5 sighted pairs (10 rnds)
  • At 15 yards from the holster, draw & fire 5 sighted pairs (10 rnds)


Handgun Training Drills (Ken Hackathorn)
Basic Handgun Training Drills--Modified
As described by Ken Hackathorn
In American Handgunner Magazine
September/October 1998
Page 42

Ammunition Required: 50 rounds

Target: IDPA silhouette scored 5-4-2.

Time Limits: Basic time limits as noted. As shooter skill increases, either shorten the time limits or increase the distance to the target.

Stage 1 -- 3 yards/Close Combat

Shooting is done from a close combat/weapon retention position, with the weapon already drawn. Fire 2 rounds in 2 seconds. 3X total of 6 rounds.

Stage 2 -- 3 yards/Retreating from the target

On signal, begin backing away from the target. Draw and engage the target with at least 3 rounds while moving backwards. You should end the movement at the 10 yard line. 2X. Total of 6 rounds.

Your goal is to rapidly gain distance from the threat while you are drawing and engaging the target. The greater the distance you are from the threat, the greater your chances of survival.

Stage 3 -- 5 yards/Strong Hand Only

On signal, draw and engage the target with 2 rounds in 4 seconds STONG HAND ONLY. 3X. Total of 6 rounds.

Stage 4 -- 7 yards/Double Taps

On signal, draw and engage the target with 2 rounds in 4 seconds. 4X. Total of 8 rounds.

Stage 5 -- 7 yards/Lateral Movement

How to perform this drill depends on the configuration of your range facility. The goal is to draw, begin lateral movement, and engage the target with three rounds.

This should be accomplished moving to your strong side, and also to your weak side. 2X. Total of 6 rounds.

This exercise increases your skills at placing your shots effectively while moving to cover or if your only path of escape is moving laterally. Go slowly at first, and then pick up your speed of movement only as fast as you can get good hits.

Stage 6--7 or 10 yards/Multiple Targets

Facing three targets. On signal, draw and engage each target with two rounds, perform a mandatory reload, and re-engage each target with two rounds. Total of 12 rounds fired. Par time is 15 seconds for auto pistols and 18 seconds for revolvers.

Stage 7 -- 15 yards/Single Target for accuracy

On signal, draw and engage the target with 1 round in 3 seconds. 6X. Total of 12 rounds.


Central Texas Standards
The Central Texas Standards

This course of fire was originally developed by Chip McCormick and Ronin Coleman (who is the genius behind the PACT timer). It was handed down to me by Texas 3-gun guru Jim Griggs. I've used this drill a lot - it's a good set of exercises to build up your basic stand-and-shoot skills.

Set up three IPSC targets in an "El Presidente" configuration, side by side, about shoulder width apart. The leftmost target is "A", middle target is "B", right target is "C". The course is divided into 6 parts and is a series of timed-fire, virginia count exercises. Since it's timed fire, misses and shots not fired incur no penalties. Overtime shots are -5 points. The start position for each string is your choice: I typically use hands at sides or 'surrender'. Score and tape targets after each part.


• 1 shot on A, prone -- 7.5 secs -- 5x (5 rnds)
• 2 shots on B, standing -- 5.5 secs - 4x (8 rnds)
• 1 shot, reload, 1 shot on C -- 5.5 secs - 6x (12 rnds)

TOTAL HITS: A=5 B=8 C=12


• 1 shot on A -- 2.3 secs - 3x (3 rnds)
• 1 shot facing left, right, and back on B - 2.5 secs per shot (3 rnds)
• 2 shots on C, hands clasped behind back - 3.0 secs - 3x (6 rnds)



• 1 shot on A,B,C misc hand position and target order - 3.0 secs - 3x (9 rnds)
• 1 shot, reload, 1 shot, reload, 1 shot on A,B,C -- 5.5 secs - 2x (6 rnds)
• 1 shot, weak hand on B,C,A - 5.5 secs - then C,A,B (6 rnds)



• 2 shots - strong hand only on A,B,C - 6.0 secs (6 rnds)
• 1 shot head on A,B,C - 4.0 secs (3 rnds)
• 2 shots on A,B,C - 3.0 secs - repeat C,B,A (12 rnds)



• 2 shots on A,B,C,reload,1 shot head on A,B,C - 6.5 secs - (8 rnds)
• 2 shots body/1 head on A, reload, repeat on B,C - 8.0 secs (9 rnds)
• 2 shots on C - 1.5 secs - 5x - (10 rounds)

TOTAL HITS: A=6 B=6 C=16


• 1 shot head on A - 1.5 secs - 6x - (6 rnds)
• 2 shots on B - 1.3 secs - 3x (6 rnds)
• 1 shot, RL, 1 shot, reload, 1 shot on C - 4.5 secs -2x (6 rnds)



A Grand Master should be able to 'clean' this drill.

Calculate your percentage assuming 100% is 625 points.


  • Change the start position to drawing from a table or other position.
  • • Take one step forward during each reload to practice moving and reloading.
  • • Add no-shoots covering the right C/D zone of "A" to the left D zone of "B" and the right D zone of "B" to the left C/D zone of "C". Score penalties.
  • • Score the bottom half of all targets as hard cover (from base of A zone down) and score hits in hard cover as misses.


Defensive Handgun Practice Drills (Chuck Taylor)
Chuck Taylor's Defensive Handgun Practice Drills -- Modified
From the book The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery 4th edition
By Chuck Taylor (Iola, Wisconsin, DBI Books, 1997) Page 87

Set up 3 targets T1-T2-T3 1 yard apart shoulder to shoulder. Score & repair at the end of each stage. Targets used and time limits for each drill at the discretion of the Rangemaster.

100 total rounds fired


Perform as indicated, single target, from the holster

  • 1 yard Close Combat position 2 rounds (2x)
  • 3 yards standing position 2 rounds (2x)
  • 7 yards standing position 2 rounds (3x)
  • 10 yards standing position 2 rounds (2x)
  • 15 yards standing position 2 rounds (2x)
  • 25 yards standing position 2 rounds (2x)
  • 50 yards standing position 2 rounds

28 rounds fired in Stage 1


At 7 yards, engage a single target at a time. Par time is 1.5 seconds.

  • 1 round on T1 (2x)
  • 1 round on T2 (2X)
  • 1 round on T3 (2X)

6 rounds fired in Stage 2


At 7 yards, three targets, targets 1 yard apart shoulder to shoulder

  • 2 rounds on T1 (2X)
  • 2 rounds on T2 (2X)
  • 2 rounds on T3 (2X)
  • 1 round on each target T1-T2-T3
  • 1 round on each target T1-T2-T3
  • 2 rounds on each target T1-T2-T2
  • 2 rounds on each target T1-T2-T3

10 rounds fired on each target; total of 30 rounds fired in Stage 3.


From the holster, one shot drill. Engage a different target on each rep.

  • 3 yards. (3X)
  • 5 yards. (3X)

2 headshots fired on each target; total of 6 rounds fired in Stage 4.

from the holster

  • 2 rounds to the body/1 headshot on T1 (2X)
  • 2 rounds to the body/1 headshot on T2 (2X)
  • 2 rounds to the body/1 headshot on T3 (2x)

6 rounds fired on each target; total of 18 rounds fired in Stage 5

Load each of 3 magazines with 2 rounds.

From the holster at 7 yards:
  • 2 rnds on T1, reload, 2 rnds on T2, reload, 2 rnds on T3.
  • 2 rnds on T3, reload, 2 rnds on T2, reload, 2 rnds on T1.

4 rounds fired on each target; total of 12 rounds fired in Stage 6.
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Handgun Practice Drills
API 250/GUNSITE Standard Exercise

All exercises start with the gun holstered, facing a single IPSC target.
Proficient students can begin with the weapon concealed.
Starting position is hands clasped in front

3 yards 1 round head shot 1.5 seconds

3 yards 2 rounds A zone 1.5 seconds

7 yards 2 rounds A zone 1.5 seconds

10 yards 2 rounds A zone 2.0 seconds

10 yards 2 – reload – 2 A zone 5.0 seconds (In battery reload)

15 yards 2 rounds A zone 3.5 seconds

25 yards 2 rounds A zone 7.0 seconds

Time limits can be adjusted as needed. Times shown are graduation standards for the API 250 course.


Plaxco Academy of Practical Shooting Basic Drill
Designed by IPSC competitor J. Michael Plaxco

Set up up three IPSC targets at 10 yards.
Starting position is weapon holstered & hands clasped in front.

-On the first target, draw and fire one shot, perform an in battery reload, and fire one shot.
Repeat 6 times for a total of 12 rounds. Par time is 4.0 seconds.

-On the second target, draw and fire two shots, perform an in battery reload, and fire two more shots, for a
total of 4 rounds fired. Repeat 3 times for a total of 12 rounds. Par time is 5.0 seconds.

-On the third target, draw and fire 6 shots, perform an out of battery reload, and fire another 6 shots,
for a total of 12 rounds. Par time is 15 seconds.

The goal is 100% A-zone hits and smooth reloads. FOCUS ON ACCURACY! .

Time limits can be adjusted as needed.
Modified Gunsite 250 Drill

3 yards Draw & fire one round in 1.5 sec (2x)
7 yards Draw & fire one round in 2.0 sec (2x)
10 yards Draw & fire one round in 2.5 sec (2x)
15 yards Draw, drop to kneeling, fire one round in 3.5 sec. (2x)
25 yards Draw, drop to prone, fire two rounds in 6.5 sec (1x)

total of 10 rounds fired
Practice Drill by Mike Benedict of Talon Tactical ( -- kydex holsters)

10 yards single target 10 rnds -- single shots for precision all A Zone hits (10x)

12 yards single target 10 rnds -- controlled pairs for precision all A Zone hits (5x)

7 yards single target 12 rnds -- 2 body/1 head for precision (4x)

7 yards single target 6 rnds -- "Bill Drill" 6 rnds as fast as possible all A zone hits

7 yards single target 6 rnds -- 6 headshots slowfire for precision

10 yards single target 6 rnds -- 6 headshots slowfire for precison

10 yards 3 targets 6 rnds -- two rnds on each target all A zone hits

10 yards 3 targets 6 rnds -- two rnds on center target, 1 rnd on each on outside target
two rnds on center target again, total of 6 rounds

10 yards 3 targets 6 rnds -- one rnd on center target, 2 rnds on each outside target
one rnd on center target gain, total of 6 rounds

M drill center target at 5 yards, outside targets at 10 yards
 two rnds on center target, 1 rnd on each outside target, two rnds on center target
 one rnd on center target, 2 rnds on each outside target, one rnd of center target

12 yards 3 targets barricade drill 2 rnds on each target from each position
right/left and high/low

Ken Hackathorn Square Drill
Make a square 5 to 7 yards on a side. Start at any corner and then fire two rnds on each target while moving to the next corner. Keep going until you are back to the starting point. About 24 rounds expended per run. This is an excellent shooting while moving drill.

Barrel Drill (2 or 3 targets)
Set up 3 barrels at 10, 15, and 25 yards in a zigzag pattern. Fire 2 rnds at each target from each barrel while kneeling behind cover.
5 yards From the holster, single headshots for precision
7 yards From the holster, controlled pairs for precision
7 yards Out of battery reloads. Begin with one round in the chamber and an
empty magazine. Draw and fire one round, reload, fire one round.
7 yards Malfunction clearance drill. 2 dummy rnds & 4 to 6 live rounds per
magazine. Draw and fire double taps, TRF for each malfunction.
7 yards Malfunction clearance drill. Begin at low ready with a failure to eject
malfunction created with a piece of empty brass. Come on target,
attempt to fire, clear the stovepipe, fire two rounds.
7 yards Tactical reload drill. Draw and fire two rounds, tac reload, fire
two rounds.

Remember proper After Action Drills (AAD) -- breath, check the environment, scan for additional threats, find available cover.

60 rnd modified Ken Hackathorn Practice Drill

3 yards draw & fire 2 rnds 3x for total of 6 rounds

5 yards draw & fire 3 rounds strong hand only (total of 6 rnds)

5 yards begin from low ready. Fire 3 rounds weak hand only (6 rnds)

3 yards to 10 yards. Load with a three round magazine. Fire 3 rounds
while retreating. 2x for a total of 6 rounds

7 yards draw & fire 2 rnds 6x for a total of 12 rounds

7 yards draw, rapid lateral movement and fire 3 rnds. Repeat from the
other direction. Total of 6 rounds.

7 yards facing 3 targets. 2 rnds on each target. 2x (total of 12 rounds)

10 yards draw & fire 2 rnds. 3x for a total of 6 rounds.


THE DOUBLE TAP: The "double tap" is a generic term describing engaging a single target with a two round burst. There are three types of double tap:
The Hammer is two quick shots fired with one sight picture, and is best employed on a target at very close range.
The Dedicated Pair is two shots fired with flash sight pictures for both shots, best suited on a target at intermediate range.
The Controlled Pair is two shots fired with a separate conventional sight picture for each shot. The Controlled Pair is most appropriate for any situation requiring a degree of precision accuracy or for targets at greater distance.

Practice Drills from Rob Leatham
(as described by Massad Ayoob in American Handgunner March/April 2005)

SLOW FIRE DRILL -- Five shots on target, unlimited time, two hand standing position. Done once each from 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 yards. Each shot reinforces the basics and the shooter also verifies sight zero.

FIVE-SECOND DRILL -- The shooter has five seconds to draw and fire a single shot. This is an opportunity to refresh muscle-memory and make sure every moment from the draw to the shot placement is correct. Then the shooter repeats the drill with three rounds, then with four rounds, then with five rounds, etc. all the way up to ten rounds in five seconds. Distance begins at 3, then to 5, 7 and 10 yards. All shots must be in the A-zone of the target.

THREE-GRASP DRILL -- The shooter draws and fires two shots from their preferred two-hand stance, then shoots two rounds strong hand only and then two rounds weak hand only. (An alternate version is to fire one shot from each position). This is conducted from 3,5,7 and 10 yards, all shots in the A-zone of the target.

SHOOT AND MOVE DRILL -- Fire five shots moving forward. Then five shots retreating. Then begin at the 10 yard line and leave a magazine on the ground at the 3 yard line. At the start signal, move forward firing until you have reached the point where you placed the fresh magazine. Pick up the magazine from the ground and reload and then fire as you retreat back to the starting point.

SHOOT - RELOAD - SHOOT DRILL -- At ten yards, facing a single target. Draw and fire six rounds, reload, and fire another six rounds. The shooter should fire as fast as they can and still keep all hits within the A-zone of the target.

THE EL PRESIDENTE DRILL -- At ten yards, facing three targets placed one yard apart, shoulder to shoulder. At the signal, draw and fire two rounds on each target, reload, and re-engage each target with two rounds. The shooter should fire as fast as they can and still keep all hits within the A-zone of the target.
Once the shooter can perform this drill with consistent good results, practice the traditional "El Presidente" drill: Begin with your back to the targets. At the signal, turn and then draw and engage each target with two rounds, perform a mandatory reload, and re-engage each target with two rounds. The goal is accuracy, shooting quickly yet keeping all rounds in the A-zone of the target.
Another alternative is performing either one of the versions above, but after the reload engaging the head of each target with either one or two rounds. Doing this teaches the shooter to "change gears" -- first engaging the targets fast with coarse accuracy and then slowing down to deliver precision head shots.
Shooting Drills (Mike Benedict of talon tactical holsters)
Shooting drills from Mike Benedict

three targets set in a "V" center target at 8 yds left and right targets at 10 yds
3 yds between targets.

two rounds on center target
one round on left target
one round on right target
two rounds on center target

2 seconds is the time to beat from the holster

"Snowman drill"

three circles on aligned vertical like a snowman:

2" on top
4" in the middle
8" on bottom

6 shots on each dot

6 seconds on the 2"
4 seconds on the 4"
2 seconds on the 6"

shot from the ready and then from the holster

25yds: 6 shots COM 10 sec
20yds: 3 shot FTS 5 sec(x2)
15yds: 3 shot FTS 3 sec(x2)
10yds: 2 shot COM 2 sec(x3)
7 yds: 6 shot reload 6 shot COM 12 sec
5 yds: 6 shot strong hand, reload, 6 shots weak hand 15 seconds
3 yds: 2 rds COM 1

The Dot Drill (Sierra Firearms Academy)

This is a precision drill, fired at 10 yards without regard to time, only precision. The targets are 10 - 3" dots placed in the following sequence. 1 dot on top, then 3 rows of 3.

Dot #1: Draw and fire one continuous string of 6 rounds for your best group.

Dot#2: Draw and fire 1 shot, holster and repeat for a total of 6 shots.

Dot#3&4: Draw and fire one shot on 3, then one shot on 4. Holster and repeat 6 times.

Dot#5: Draw and fire 6 shots continuous fire, strong hand only.

Dot#6&7: Draw and fire 2 shots on 6, then 2 shots on 7. Holster and repeat 6 times.

Dot#8: Draw and fire 6 continuous shots weak hand only.

Dot#9&10: Draw and fire 2 on 9, reload, fire 2 on 10. Holster and repeat 6 times.

If the drill is too difficult with this target size or distance, reduce the distance or increase the target size and work down to 10 yards and 3 inch dots. Once you can do this on demand, your precision skills will be way above average. Practice with a goal of increasing your speed, while maintaining your accuracy. Just blasting at them will not help you a bit.. Perfect practice makes perfect performance.

Remember... The only way you can be successful at this, is to have your sights clearly in focus for each and every shot. Shoot at the center of the dot, not the whole dot. Good luck!
modified Hackathorn Drill
30 Round Self Defense Practice Drill Using One IDPA Target:
(A modification of Ken Hackathorn’s drill)

1. From 5 yards, allowing 2 seconds, beginning with gun holstered, fire one shot to head. Repeat 3 times.

2. From 5 yards, allowing 2 ½ seconds, beginning with gun holstered, strong hand only, fire two shots to body.
Repeat 2 times.

3. From 7 yards, allowing 2 seconds, gun holstered, fire two shots to body.
One time only.

4. From 7 yards, allowing 2 ½ seconds, facing 180° away from target, gun holstered, turn and fire two shots to body.
One time only.

5. From 7 yards, allowing 4 seconds, while backing to 10-12 yards, fire three shots to body.
Repeat 2 times.

6. From 10 yards, allowing 5 seconds, beginning with gun in holster, fire one shot to body, do a tactical reload, and fire one more shot to body.
Repeat 2 times.

7. From 10 yards, allowing 5 seconds, beginning with gun in holster, round in chamber and empty magazine, fire one shot to body, change magazine, fire one more shot to body.
Repeat 2 times.

8. From 15 yards, allowing 2 ½ seconds, draw and fire one shot to body.
Repeat 5 times.
Multiple Target Drill (Tom Givens)
Inspired by a course described in the book Fighting Smarter by Tom Givens
(Rangemaster, Inc; Memphis, Tenn., 2000) Page 201

Each shooter faces two targets (T1 and T2)


1. Facing T1 at 3 yards. From the holster, draw and fire a “double tap”
2 rounds in 2 seconds. Perform 6 times for a total of 12 rounds.

2. Facing T2 at 5 yards. Begin facing 90 degrees right or left. At the
Signal, pivot, then draw and fire 2 rounds in 3 seconds. Do three
Times facing to the right and three times facing to the left. Perform
6 times for a total of 12 rounds.

3. Facing T1 at 3 yards and T2 at 5 yards. At the signal, draw and fire
A “double tap” on each target, 4 rounds in 4 seconds. Perform 3 times
For a total of 12 rounds.

4. Facing T1 at 3 yards and T2 at 5 yards. At the signal, draw and fire a “double tap” on each target, followed by a single shot to the head of
each target, 6 rounds in 8 seconds. Perform 2 times for a total of 12 rounds.

5. Facing T1 at 5 yards and T2 at 7 yards. At the signal, draw and fire a Single head shot on each target, 2 rounds in 5 seconds.

50 total rounds fired (25 on each target) Each hit in the primary scoring zone scored as 2 points each.

On Stage 4, be sure the shooters fire a “double tap” on each target BEFORE coming back with a headshot, to simulate a situation where the initial engagement didn’t neutralize the threat, forcing the operator to go for headshots.

Distances between the targets are at the discretion of the instructor. Distances of engagement and time limits can be modified as necessary.
Weapon Training Aids

Apparently (as listed in my earlier post today), there is a site that makes some pretty cool weapon training aids for the military, police and public. They do models of fully automatic weapons, explosives, pistols, rocket launchers, bayonet dummies, etc.

Their company is called Combat Training Aids and their website is

Also thanks to member C0untZer0 for opening up my world to the Lee Paige video in my Training Weapons post.:D
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