training for blackjacks


I bought a blackjack recently at a pawnshop. Are there any books or videos on how to use this weapon?
I believe the appropriate use of a blackjack is:

Step One: Remove blackjack from yor back pocket.

Step Two: Strike your target repetedly on the head
or jaw untill your target drops to the ground.
All this training seems necessary for nightsticks and those retractable batons. I wondered if there was more to using a blackjack than simply striking for the head.
Stupid answer MW740. A with any impact weapon, proper technique can mean the difference between quickly pacifying your opponent with no permanent damage vs. maiming and/or death.

I don't know the proper method, but I do know flailing away indiscriminately is wrong. This topic has been discussed here previously, perhaps a few minutes with the 'search' will get you what you need to know.
Have a sense of humor. I used a blackjack once while I was working the door at a nightclub. A group of intoxicated gentlemen were being politely told that they could not come into the club (due to the fact that they were a bunch of rowdy, drunken football hooligans). They started pleading with me and my partner for entry but when that didn't work they got "tuff guy" on us. While the most aggressive one was busy putting his face extremely close to mine, I was slowly pulling my blackjack out of my back pocket. Anyone that has ever worked security at a bar/nightclub will tell you that after a while you just know when someone is going to get violent, especially when they are drunk. The second that I knew that a physical confrintation was inevidable, I struck him full force on the side of his left thigh. He didn't really feel like fighting after that and neither did his buddies. I imagine that he had one hell of a bruise on his leg for quite a while. I participated in the design of the front of this nightclub due to the fact that my friend owns it, and I had a long ramp built parallel to the building leading to the front door that is only wide enough for two people to stand side by side on. This enables defense against groups of guys just like this when positioned at the top of the ramp. Thank God that I never encountered a situation were I needed to hit someone on the head with that blackjack.
Do you have a black jack or a sap? A blackjack has a round head and braided leather on the handle. A sap is a sucker shaped piece of lead bonded to a steel spring with leather sewn over it.

Until the 70's most police uniforms had a "jack" pocket sewn below and just to the front of the right rear pocket. Either weapon is really brutal when the face or head is struck. My first "moving" assignment was driving a paddy wagon. I have seen some severely lacerated prisoners who suffered a couple of blows from a jack. If you choose to use a sap or jack, check your local laws. As far as I can tell, they are outlawed in most jurisdictions. If you can carry one of these, think of it as a short stick. Jabs work very well in tight situations. Any overhand blows should be delivered to a large muscle or joint. Shins are also a good target.

A truly impressive weapon is a sap glove. Most victims of a sap glove think you are as strong a king kong to land such a forceful blow and tend to calm down after a couple of blows. I remember a 125 lb female officer decking a three hundred pound street punk with two blows. She got a lot of respect on her beat after that.

Most agencies have got away from using these type of weapons. Police are now better trained in verbal skills, locks and joint manipulations. The expandable baton has replaced most all sticks and jacks now.

Always remember, if you pull one of these out of your pocket, someone will be justified to pull out a gun. Also, in the eyes of our culture(cops, witnesses, magistrates, judges, media, and jury members), your use of this type of weapon automatically makes you suspect. Gentlemen use pistols, thugs use knives and clubs.