Training for Armored Guard/Corporate Security/Bodyguarding-- PART TIME?


New member
Hello everyone :)

I've been looking at the possibilities of doing private security part time for corporate events, conventions, etc. Now, I know there are plenty of "Bodyguarding" schools around the world--I've searched the net and found plenty, even in Ecuador and Russia!

I don't want to do this for a living---I would like to do this for a weekend job or night job. I see myself really enjoying the job AND being skilled at it. Protecting people and property has always been an interest of mine, but I'm quite far away from being a police officer or Federal Agent (still in college). Are there any schools I should look into that can provide me with certified training?

I can commit up to 1-2 months. Tuition cost is a factor but I'm willing to pay more for higher quality of training. I want to learn how to use my brain to to analyze situations as well as handle a firearm in an emergency situation.

There are the SIG Pro and Blackwater schools, but I don't know if these would be appropriate if I am to be a suit+tie grunt working under a more experienced firm.

My current experience is 8+ years of Kempo-Karate and Judo, an NRA handgun certificate, and 3-4 months of weekly range shooting. I have limited military training from Army ROTC as an officer, but no real tactical experience. I study social psychology and human communication in school, which includes classes on reading body language, communicating clearly and effectively, and using psychology to manage conflict situations.

I'm in good physical shape, I train daily, but like I said, my goal is to use my mind and wits to be a skilled security operative.

Has anyone here completed such training, and if so, what do you recommend for someone trying to get a foot into the business?
Where are you located? Where do you want to work?

Most states have training and licensing requirements for security, personal protection and loss prevention work. There may also be business licensing requirements if you are not working for some existing company.

Call up a few of the companies listed in your local yellow pages and find out if they are recruiting. Find out what types of positions are open. Ask if they contract for the specific types op work you are interested in. Some may even pay for your training or reimburse you after working x number of months.

Have fun being a rent-a-cop.

stay safe.

In Pennsylvania, you need to be Act 235 certified to carry a lethal weapon incident to your employment. Certifacation is good for 5 years. You go over use of force, crimes code, escorting/handcuffing techniques, and a little self defense. Then there is the range time (It strikes me as a very condenced form of the police academy minus some training and with lower qualifacation standards). From what I gather, the quality is very much dependant upon the instructor.

The certifacation is 40hrs and, when everything is said and done (assuming you already have the gun and related equipment) is about $350-$400. Applications are handled through the state police.

You mentioned that being a LEO is a bit of a ways off because you are in college. Something you might want to consider is that some departments will offer to pay for you to get a degree. Some departments also offer a pay differential for those with a degree. Just some things to consider.
One of my fellow students provides protective services for a local security company. He provides escorts for those who have protective orders. He does this part time.

Have you thought about seeing if a local law enforcment ageny has a Reserve force. You could get your law enforcement certification and earn hours toward another certificate. Age may be a limitation for this option
Eghad, Honolulu Police Department (HPD) has a reserve force, but you are required to undergo the training and certification full time-- it would conflict completely with my school commitments, and it is all non paid. I'm looking to make a bit of money to help pay the bills, even if it's a very small wage.

HPD doesn't offer any sort of scholarship incentive for college students. Basically, if you have a college degree already, you start as an MPO/Rookie/Traffic cop. Then, when it comes time for you to be promoted, if the rank has a college degree pre-req (like Detective, Lieutenant, etc) then you already have the qualifications, so you can save time and immediately get the promotion.

For this reason, I was moreso looking into the FBI, as the law degree or MBA (either which I am sure to puruse after graduation) offers a substantial pay bonus for Special Agents with these advanced degrees.

I'm located in Hawaii. If I were to go to Blackwater or SIG School, I would be doing some flying. There are several security agencies locally that provide VIP protection and military base armed rent-a-cops, I may give them a call.

Specifically, I was looking into Loomis & Fargo for a job, if they have positions open for a P/T driver-guard. I would not only get the security experience and training, but also learn much about how the banking system works, which would go towards what I want to study later on (MBA).

Anyways, I have some homework to do in this regard, I'll check back in a bit :)
Specifically, I was looking into Loomis & Fargo for a job, if they have positions open for a P/T driver-guard. I would not only get the security experience and training, but also learn much about how the banking system works, which would go towards what I want to study later on (MBA).

I don't want to be a wet blanket on your dreams, but working for Loomis/Fargo will not teach you much about the banking business except how heavy coins are!

In all seriousness, I urge you to find out what the rules & regs are. Try here:

Most rent-a-cop jobs are not glamorous, and most personal protection gigs do not involve big-tipping high rollers or hot babes. On the other hand, being a reliable private security officer can provide a steady, if not large, income and good references for when you want to move up or out. Being a good supervisor (try keeping a schedule filled over a long holiday weekend!) will give you experience that you can carry to any other job.

The best advice I ever got about private security/courier work was that if everything goes right, nobody ever notices that you did your job because you made sure nothing out of the ordinary had a chance to happen, and if something happened you took care of it in a way that did not attract attention to your client.

That said, I wish you luck.

stay safe.

but I'm quite far away from being a police officer or Federal Agent (still in college)

You're going to need to carry a weapon to be any kind of executive guard; so you're going to need to be 21 and have the equivalent of a concealed carry permit in your state. You may have to meet other tests too.

Most LEO agencies will hire at 21; so why not just go LEO?
Update: Loomis/Fargo is hiring Vault tellers and Armed guards, but only full-time. I've just completed my application and have applied for the summer when school is on hiatus.

I am old enough to be an LEO, but I already enquired- there is no way I can join the force right now, as I'm still in college. Also, I strongly dislike the fact that having a college degree, even a graduate degree, would not accelerate my advancement any more than the person who got a high school GED and applied to the force at age 20. What drew me in to the FBI is that many of them have MBA and law degrees, and use them every day in their work-- applying education to their job.

Also, and though this is a personal thing:
I have met great cops in Hawaii. They are hard working, straight, clean, just, and understanding. They care about their jobs and the people they watch over. Unfortuantely I have also seen AND met Hawaii cops that are just the opposite--- they either don't care, or are not as straight-edged as the badge and gun would suggest. I have personally seen MPOs "talking story" with pimps in Waikiki, laughing and fooling around, without arresting the throngs of prostitutes behind the pimp. Stories of police corruption are abound with the connections made to Hawaii's ice epidemic, and lately, Kauai's police department was completely ripped apart by an FBI investigation regarding police collaboration with ice/drug traffickers IN PLAIN VIEW. This corruption has been exposed to the HIGHEST LEVEL- all the way to the chief.

So while I could see myself as an LEO some day, based on the virtues and repsonsibilities that both the Federal Agencies and local PDs have, what I have seen on the ground is far different---and I don't like it.

Anyway, thanks for all the helpful replies. Right now I'll just have to wait for Loomis and Fargo to call me back and see what I can do for them.
I also have recently applied to Loomis as well as Dunbar. A friend of mine went through the training at Loomis. I think they do their own for the most part. I currently work a corporate security job...4 hours of training, mostly from a 15 year-old video.
Excellent link, thank you. There's even a diddy on a past graduate who is the same age as me, doing protective work with his CPS degree.
Seth writes:

"My current experience is 8+ years of Kempo-Karate and Judo, an NRA handgun certificate, and 3-4 months of weekly range shooting."

I would leave out this sort of stuff on most applications. They probably see applications from a 1,000 ninja bad-arse gun-toting wannabes every week and most of the applications end up in File 13.

Real security work does not rely heavily on such skills. It is expected that your planning prevents such skills from ever becoming necessary. I think you'd find that your "daily training regimen" in whatever martial arts you study would be interrupted following around all of those "high rollers" and VIPs and standing outside their hotel room while they get a good night's sleep and you work for 36 hours straight between your schoolwork, class, and weekend "protection gig."

"I see myself really enjoying the job AND being skilled at it."

Again, doesn't everyone. Get your degree and go join the FBI. Something the security world does NOT need is a "Weekend Bodyguard."

Hate to sound so harsh, but it's the truth.
