Training course with a P7?


New member
I'm thinking about taking a P7 PSP to LFI-2 this August. I was wondering if anyone had ever done a course with the PSP. I've heard it's best to take two (to allow one to cool down while shooting the other) but I may not have that option.
Hello. I've not taken a course, but have fired Texas'mandated 50 rnd course of fire for CHL instructors with a P7. No problems whatsoever with heat or whatever it is that worries folks and this was in the summer.

I don't fire my P7 very much as I prefer Brownings, CZs, and 1911s, but have fired more than 50 rounds at a time with no

Mine starts getting really hot after about 80 rounds. Don't think I would consider it for a class unless I had a spare. Sure is tempting though.:)
I cannot speak to your LFI course, but I went to a DEA LEO course (the winter N.O.S.S.) and we fired about 700 rounds in three days. I would not have wanted to take my P7 (which I love) to fire that many rounds in a short period. Contact the instructor of your cours and ask his advice.