Training book or video??


New member
Any suggestions for a book or video regarding how to shoot a handgun??

Something for a fairly new shooting to read/review for learning purposes.

Thinking of something that would cover, grip, trigger control, sighting, safety, etc.

Any suggestions appreciated.
Lots of good stuff at
Also do a search of the subject at and
Especially the Todd Jarrett and Jerry Miculek videos there.
Also Brian Enos's books at his website,
Rob Pincus

I saw Rob Pincus' set of 5 through the American Rifleman and they were second to none. You could do a little search and find them. It would well be worth looking into.

Rob is also a member of this forum and posts occasionly.
You cannot learn how to shoot from a book or a video, any more than you can learn how to drive. Go get some training.
T O'Heir...I agree that some instruction is the best way to go and have actually had more than one lesson. BUT, I also think that training videos and even books have their place.

For me I would like something that I can look back at (at my convenience) and refresh what I may have learned in a hands-on lesson. This reinforces the learning process and helps to keep things in a fresh mind-set.

I do not find the driving to shooting even remotely apples-to-apples comparison. On the one hand you are launching a projectile from a standing start and waiting at a distance to see what happens. On the other hand you are launching a projectile from a standing start and remaining within the projectile to see first hand what happnes.....:D

Thanks to others that have posted. I like the looks of the video by Gabe and may have to order that one.
You cannot learn how to shoot from a book or a video, any more than you can learn how to drive. Go get some training.

Nothing like a positive and helpful comment... :eek:

I like the Thunder Ranch Videos. (I like Clint's teaching style a lot).

I think watching them before and after training is useful. Before, so you know what is going and and miss less. And after to reinforce and refresh what you have seen.
firearms/tactics training...

In short, join the NRA, , and learn about events-programs near you.
Get the best classes & skill training you can afford. Check out a program and take a 4hr workshop or 1 day seminar to gauge the level of the staff/cadre/teachers.
Many new classes & courses have "sprung up" all over the USA in the last 10 years. High quality training sites include Thunder Ranch, Trident Concepts, Massad Ayoob Group(LFI), SIG Sauer Academy.

For books/videos see; .
Good training/tactics books include Bill Jordan(No Second Place Winner), Massad F Ayoob, Leroy Thompson, Jeff Cooper, John Farnam, Chuck McCann, Jim Cirello.

Learn & understand your local/state gun and use of force laws too. Gun shop BS & bar talk are worthless in open court.