Training aids

Not for advanced tactical training. I'm always looking for ways and tools to help introduce complete novices to shooting and to explain things to them better. Most of you probably know that we all learn differently. Some learn better from reading or hearing words, some learn better by seeing pictures, and some learn better when they can actually handle something tangible.

For teaching the basics of sight alignment and sight picture, I have some two-dimensional paper cutouts. I think I would like to make up something three-dimensional. I don't want to use a real gun in a classroom setting. I have blue guns (revolver and semi-auto), but I'm looking for something much larger, that I can hold up in front of a group of people so they can all see what I'm talking about.

For a "barrel," plastic pipe is cheap enough at Lowe's or Home Despot. But I'm coming up with a blank for what I can/should use to make sights out of -- especially a rear sight. I don't want to use paper or cardboard. If I'm going to make a classroom prop, I want it to be sturdy enough to withstand years of handling.

I'm open for suggestions ...
Ha, you're welcome. To be honest, it's taken me the better part of 40 years to even think about things that way. My first thought would've been exactly as yours was; I would've tried to think of a way to make the things myself. But I have ten godchildren and they've been constantly brow-beating me to try googling stuff first. I'm a slow learner, but I am learning.