Trainers, Classes In MS.?


I am looking for someone to give me basic firearms instruction in regards to handguns. Safety, how to properly clean and maintain a weapon as well as shooting instruction. I am confined to a wheelchair and would like to learn how to shoot for recreation as well as CCW self-defense.

I have looked all over and made calls there does not seem to be any persons and or business that office some sort of handgun familiarization course or gun safety course. It would be nice to find a CCW class but no luck there either.
I am hoping to find someone perhaps a certified instructor or even an ex or current military (seeing as how the Air force base in nearby.) or law enforcement officer to lend a hand.

If anyone of you on this forum know where I can take a call or find someone please do let me know.


Jeremiah L Stennett
I assume you maybe speaking of the Naval Air Base in Meridian (not completely sure though). If you are, that base is also home to the Regional Counterdrug Training Academy, and they host hundred's of LEO a week there. I would venture to say that you may be able to give them a call, explain your situation. They don't do firearms training per se there, but I know that they know people and could probably get you pointed in the right direction. I'd help, but I'm probably a little further than you want to go!

RCTA's website is
Starkville is within easy driving distance from Meridian, but it is more likely that the OP is talking about Columbus AFB, which is only about 30mins from Stark-vegas.

Call Starkville PD and ask them what classes are available. If that doesn't turn up any results, try the State Trooper district HQ in Starkville. DPS is responsible for the CCW program, so they will definately have the info you need.
Bush Narc. Training,inc.
807 Everett Church Road
Mendenhall, MS, 39114Phone:
These folks do training of various sorts. They might know someone you can contact. I never dealt with them but have some friends who have. They seem happy.
Thanks for all the help and reply guys. I was indeed talking about the Columbus AFB. Stark Vegas makes me laugh because I see this damn spray painted van driving around all the time called the Stark Vegas Taxi.

I will be in touch with the Troopers and the company mentioned above. Thanks again you guys on this board have been a world of help!
You can also contact Cliff Cargill, an instructor in the Jackson area who does one-on-one or group instruction. I took his course a few months ago and it was worth every penny I paid him. He starts with the basic components of your handgun, safety, and moves to range shooting. In three sessions we got to shooting from behind cover, shooting while moving, multiple targets, point shooting, and steel shooting. He charges $250 for a 10 hour course plus 300 rds ammo. Highly recommended!