
Well, it seems the shooter was not a muslim terreorist, but a dweeb who's pissed because he was picked on. While we must be aware that the islamist killers are plottng, we must also be aware of the pissed off loser who can't get laid.
Next door neighbor SWAT'd up to do this thing. Spouse warned him to be careful as he loaded his car. I was watching the Harry Potter thing bout a mile from it.

will chat with him on Mon.
Something I noticed in the article: CNN informs us that a semi-automatic rifle was used. I am curious, is all the information they had about the rifle used in the incident, or if the media is trying to make semi-autos as EVIL as they have made assault weapons.

Most articles in the past (that I've seen) have included things like "he had a military style rifle" or they actually say the type of weapon ie: SKS/AK/AR/shotgun or a sniper/hunting rifle. I would imagine the perp was not using a regular hunting semi-auto like the Rem7400 or BAR. So why wasn't more info given?
Maybe I was just looking into it too much. I'm paranoid 'cause I'm surrounded by antis. Sorry if I'm off base on this one.
