Traditions renegade,hawken synthetic stock.


Tompson Center Renegade,Hawken synthetic stock.

Hi. I just joined the forum and a BP rifle,revolver fan.This post is for a muzzeloader dealer here in Vt and I research items online that he needs for his customers.He has a Thompson center Renegade 54 cal rifle with a damaged synthetic stock.The customer wants a replacement stock.He's called Tompson center and no luck.He would like me to try to find one online and I'm having no luck locating one.Thought I would try this forum for info about this.From what I read a Thompson Center Hawken 54 cal synthetic stock would work also.I've tried ATI and no luck there either.The dealer normally uses a phone to find things.He can get to a computer as long as his daughter is in Vt.Any info about the stock would be a big help.I'll leave his name and phone number with this post.

LaCroix Muzzeloader Supply Shop
Phil LaCroix. 802-879-7088
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Let's start here .

Excuse my confusion. I am reading that you have a Traditions Renegade, as opposed to a TC Renegade. You are looking for a replacement synthetic stock, for this Traditions model; Right ???

Personally, I am not familiar with the Traditions Renegade but I am familiar with the TC model. .... :)

Welcome aboard and;
Be Safe !!!
Traditions renegade

My bad.Yes I'm looking for a Thompson Center Renegade 54 cal synthetic stock.Also read that a hawken 54 cal stock would work.
I've never seen a synthetic TC Renegade !!!

With all due respect, you are changing your posts, While I'm trying to follow you and that makes it hard to help. So, I'll just cut to the chase. ;)

To date, I have never seen a TC Renegade with a synthetic stock. There might have been a special issue but I doubt it as all the Renegades I have owned or worked with, have had American Walnut stocks. The closest you will come to one, is a synthetic TC New Englander stock. That really might be what you are looking for or expect to find. Personally I cannot say if your Renegade barrel, will fit a New Englander stock. I don't have a Renegade barrel but do have a TC Hawken which should be the same and will try to fit this barrel, onto one of my New Englanders. At this time, Don't know how else I can help you. ... :confused:

Be Safe !!!
TC renegade

I'm sorry for the confusion.I'm going to have to check with my buddy Phil about this.It could be that the customer might not know the difference between these rifles and thinks he has a renegade.TC has a Grey Hawk 54 cal in a synthetic stock that I checked on online with a image of it.That could be what he has.Or the New Englander.Sorry for the mix up.I changed the post so I could get the right info.Thank you for your information and I hope I can clear this up.I will be posting about this some time today.

Scott welcome to the forum. This is a great place, I've learned a ton of things and every day there are a number of posts from the handful of experts and gurus and occasionally novices like me. One thing that I like about this "place" is that I've never been put-down like in other forums. Great folks here. Also, there is a huge history-factor involved here and that might be the difference. This is my favorite gun site though.

Hope you and your friends can get this solved. Best of luck and welcome.
Hang in there !!!

I'm sorry for the confusion.I'm going to have to check with my buddy Phil about this.
Not a problem as we all encounter this, when there are physical disconnects. Heck, I even run into problems when I'm holding the darn "thing" in my hands. .... ;)

Sure looks like your have a TC SideLock and forget about factory support. not only have they stopped making Traditonals, they will no longer support them. One thing in your favor, is that there are still many used ones out there and that is where you will find what you need. You have to go to other sources for New-Old-Stock. Once you identify the model, suggest you go to E-Bay, then Gun-Broker, Dixie and even Numeric. Many of the Buckskinner sites will also show TC replacement parts. If you get back to use on what you have, we can help in your search. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!
TC renegade

I'll check on those sites.Also thanks for the understanding.I have the tendency to react before I think.Bad habit.Thanks again!


Pahoo beat me to it, Ebay and Gunbroker. I ended up with 3 Hawkins by buying barrels on Ebay and getting out bid on the stocks, but ended up with one T/C flinter and 2 cap locks with similar, but not exact stocks, Italians I believe, but with a little modification they work well and all have taken deer. Mine are all wood stocks though.:eek:
TC renegade

I'm going to have to check with my buddy.The rifle in question has a wood stock but the customer wants a synethic stock.He may have to tell the customer that he can't find one because it's unavailable.My buddy mentioned that he thought he had one at one time in his shop.His shop is full of muzzeloading supplies and rifles so it's possible he has one there.Thanks for the offer.Happy shooting!:)

Good reason to buy another M/L

He may have to tell the customer that he can't find one because it's unavailable.
Which I'm afraid, is going to be the case. Per my previous reply, I have never seen a Renegade synthetic stock but there are always exceptions. The closet you might get, is a New Englander stock and even that might not be possible as the breech and tangs are different. Personally buy a used New Englander as I hate to see that Renegade, conversion. ...... :cool:

Good luck and;
Be Safe !!!