Traditions Pursuit Pro


New member
It's getting to be that time of year again. Muzzle Loader deer season. If anyone is thinking of upgrading the rifle here is one fine gun.


Here is a review from Randy D. Smith who does all the good firearm reviews. I own one and totally agree with everything he says. The guns are hard to find, you won't see them in stores. I bought mine online from a place in Pennsylvania.
I'm playing with the camera today. Here is my coveted collection of .50 cal rifles. Traditions Pursuit Pro on the right.

What a great website, I have been lurking here for awhile. I am new to muzzleloaders. I ordered a blue/synth Pursuit Pro .50 cal. from Walmart $233.18 should take a week before I recieve it. This is my first black powder gun. This thread helped me decide which rifle to purchase. I will be hanging around here more learning about muzzleloaders.
That price is a steal. Paid 265.00 for mine. Took a couple more pic's, better detail on the reciever, since you have one on the way.



Thanks for those pics. I can`t hardly wait to get my hands on mine. What are you loading with projectile, primer, powder, etc...
This one was my last purchase and I have been trying an experiment with it using the Pioneer Powder FFFg and their pellets also using the Remington Kleenbore ML 209 primers, because it has a sealing breech that stays clean, I got the cleanest stuff I could get.

When it was first new, I took it apart and rubbed the gun down with Cabelas muzzleloader lube. That's a white lube that reminds me of a waxy crisco. I have shot it 3 or 4 times and other than swab the bore I am not cleaning it at all.

It shoots the Buffalo bullet saboted hollow points and the Cabelas Deadcenter saboted projectiles into very tight groups with 85-100 grains of American Pioneer. I have shot 3 Pioneer pellets (150 grains) with some saboted 44 cal semiwadcutters.

I'm not allowed to hunt with this gun in Washington because of the 209 primers and sealed breech being illegal. I bought it just for the fun of shooting it at paper targets and I wanted something that wouldn't be a PITA to clean.

I would like to try the Triple 7 but I have 4 bottles of American Pioneer that I bought just to do this little test.
My reason for buying a muzzleloader is to get in on the early H.A.M. hunts. I hope to get drawn for elk next year and take one with this MZ. I`m still trying to figure out what I should shoot through it. At this point in time I am clueless:D
That's most of the fun, I went out when I was newbie and spent about 200.00 dollars and got one of everything they had. I got armloads of sabots and bullets and powders. Patches, cleaners, I got it all in 3 dry boxes. I wanted to do it right.

Last year was my first ML hunt. Here I get to hunt Nov. 22 till Dec. 15 and there is an earlier hunt in Oct. But the leaves are still on the trees and the deer rut late here only during the ML season.

The area I hunt is any deer which is nice because I just want one to make into pepperoni sticks anyway.

We actually have one area you can hunt Deer and Elk at the same time. 2 point min Deer or any ELK. Can't do that on the modern hunts.

I really like the Traditions rifle and wish I could hunt with it. My regular hunting rifle is a Ruger M77 Mark II 30-06 and it is a great handling gun, this Traditions rifle handles much the same way or maybe even better. I'm really impressed with it.
I have one and hate it. It will give groups of about 3-4 inches at fifty yards and they are always down and right (6-7 inches from POA) no matter how the sights are adjusted the POI is down and right of POA. Several different bullets and powder charges.

Four shooters duplicated this result.

Don't get me wrong I love the simplicity of the gun and the features but to me it is useless.

This year I bought an Encore first two shots this gun ever fired were touching at fifty yards.

Any advice because the people at traditions don't seem to care.

What did you pay for your Encore? The Omega also one fine rifle. I've never been able to touch group shots myself.

If you hold the gun straight up does it still shoot down 6 inches? Mine has plenty of sight adjustment range, while not grouping competition size groups the thing will answer to a change in windage or elevation. I'm assuming you have your rear sight pushed all the way up and all the way to the left? Strange.

Not trying to ruffle your feathers, but really, sounds like you may have gotten a bad one. Every BP gun shoots different.

You didn't mention what types of loads you have used. Try Cabelas Dead Center sabots and 85 grains of Triple 7. Whatever you get, that's what works best in all my BP rifles.
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ENC thought I might mention that the rear sight on the Pursuit is a sliding dovetail. The set screws only lock the sight in place they are not click micrometer type screws like you see on some guns. You loosen the set screw and slide the sight assembly up or down same as the left and right (windage adjustment). You then tighten the screw to lock the adjustment.

The sight gives a generous range of adjustment. I would imagine that it would change POI anywhere within 4 feet or maybe more at 50 yds.
Yeah I was using the sights correctly, I had the thing barely hanging on and the POI was still not correcting itself. I used several different bullet/sabot combinations. The only powder I used was pyrodex but I varied it from 70 to 120 grains.

I actually discovered through trial and error that it would shoot POA if I removed the forend to shoot. so I took a Dremel and removed alot of the support from the inside ridges. When re installed bullets moved back over and down. I didn't remove any material from the rear of the forend or along the top sides though. I havent' given up yet.

BTW the Encore was a stainless/camo prohunter model for 750 out the door. It is freakin sweet.
I would love a stainless Encore. Just can't justify the price while we have no hunting w/209 primer restrictions here. That's why I went cheap with the Traditions rifle. I just wanted the ease of the break action type gun for range fun.
Pursuit Pro

I have alway:mad: :mad: s liked Traditions ML as well as TC but here in the Communist Republic of Mass. we can't use breakopen ML. That also includes the TC Prohunter. I can use them where I hunt in NH and ME but not here. Go figure
we have almost a three week ML season and they have these laws Oh Well!!
eight more years and I retire and build in NH!!!