Trade opinions


I have a kimber crimson pro special edition and a guy has offered me a sig sauer mk25 p226 navy seal edition with 3 mags and friends of NRA pelican case it came in. Is it a worthy trade. image.jpg
I'd pass

Understand that I am slightly familiar with the Kimbers and not at all with this Sig Sauer. From what I see, I would pass on the deal .... :)

Be Safe !!!
Seems kind of lopsided unless you really prefer the DA/SA SIG over the SA Kimber, and depends on the condition of each. I think that Kimber with Crimson Trace would be worth at least $1,000 new, whereas the SIG is maybe $800 new?
NOT intended to anger or even annoy:
I do not care for either, at all. The current level of detail & care shipping from Sig has me soured, and I don't care for their P-series original design guns in the first place.

Kimber hasn't impressed me ever, beyond the pure beauty of their handguns. I don't care for their firing pin lock, don't care for the reputation of their customer service and I don't believe they make guns that match their price range.

Were I given a choice between the two, it's a darn tough call. I'd take whichever I knew I could sell. If I were forced to keep, I'd take the design of the gun I prefer (the Kimber) but I wouldn't care for it.

If I had to use it for full-blown WAR, I'd take the Sig, I suppose.
Good reply !!!

NOT intended to anger or even annoy:
Personally, I think you handled this, rather well and I know I'm better informed by your reply. I thank you ..... :)

Be Safe !!!
Tough call.

Do you have other 1911's? If the answer is yes, take the SIG. They are insanely accurate, and SUPER soft shooters - feels almost like a .22 (of course that is subjective). I was never a fan of the P series SIGs until I shot a friend's MK25 (the Navy Seal 226) just like the one you could potentially trade for. I always thought they felt odd in the hand. Now, it would be my go to gun if I had it. The controls are all just where you want them when you get down to the business of shooting. Great guns. The only unfortunate part of the trade is you don't get SIG's short reset trigger on the MK25.

If you only have one 1911, the Kimber is a pretty nice example to live with and you would likely regret getting rid of it.

My two pennies.

Good luck, and enjoy whichever you end up with.
Thanks for all the replies. I do have a Kimber pro raptor that isn't on the trading blocks. Probably still keep the crimson as we'll. it's hard to let it go