
Hi guys.I was at my local gun shop today and saw a used Colt Detective SPL.It was blued with rubber grips and like new in box condition.The price is $389 plus tax.My problem is i don't have that kind of money laying around or i would have bought it.I was going to trade an unfired Beretta .32 Tomcat and $150.Is this a good deal?I bought the beretta on a whim really this christmas for my fiance but now she has "adopted" my Glock 26!So i have no use really for the beretta.Thanks for any help guys.
Get the Colt. The Tomcat's have been dicey on reliability, and with the Colt, you'll have more stopping power. Their actions are usually pretty good too. Mike
If its a real Detective Special, jump on it!
If its a DSII, SF VI or Carry Magnum, forget it!
The original Detective Special is an outstanding snubbie. You'll love it.
The other three were intended to replace it and none of them is worth a damn.

TFL's official "Curmudgeon Member" and damned proud of it!
I have a Det Special also. It's great for carry at only 21 ounces and rated to shoot +P and has six holes. At that price it's a great buy. Get it now.
I have to agree with our Curmudgeon on the quality of the Detective Specials. The older ones had a great lockwork which resembled the Python. The newer DS are based on the Trooper.
1911guy - I`ve got an SF-VI that I would consider in a compareable deal. Hope all the bad mouthing about this gun doesn`t scare you away. Mine is a really good gun, it`s that I have not and will not shoot it much and want exactly what you have for deep carry. EMAIL me and see if we might work out a deal. Tree Rat.
I'd do it in a heartbeat, althought I'd want to pay less than $150. I've fired the Tomcat and hated it. Way too small for my hands. The DS kicks a bit but is accurate as he!! and has a lot more power.
Buzz_Knox - If you want to pay less than $150.00 (difference)....then just what is it your willing to do in a heartbeat? Tree Rat.
Hey, it's my right to be inconsistent! I'm an American!

Notwithstanding that, what I should have said was that I would do this deal, but, all things being equal, I'd want to pay less. However, it's a question of my wanting the DS more than my wanting to pay less. Does that make sense?
Shop Around!

I just picked up a like new Stainless Det Special for $299 (Long Island NY)

It is the latest ver.(SF I think) Shoots well but is a tad heavy. For that amount of moola, you may want to look for a small used S&W light weight, or new Taurus light weight.

I own the Taurus M85 Lightweight, Taurus M85 steel, and the Det special. All are +P rated and all shoot equaly well. The 5 shots are easier to carry, but there is still something to be said about an old six gun. ;)

Just my opinion.