Toys 'R' Us, Babies 'R' Us "NO GUNS" Policy

Don H

New member
Quoted below is the response from Toys 'R' Us regarding a question from a member on another forum regarding a "NO GUNS" sign posted at a local Toys 'R' Us:
Response (Richard Latner) - 09/10/2010 02:11 PM
Dear Mr. McDonald,

I have included a copy of the Corporate Policy Regarding Firearms in Stores:

General Company Policy on Firearms

• At Toys“R”Us, Inc., the safety and security of our customers and our employees is, and always has been, our highest priority.

• As a retailer that welcomes millions of kids and families into our stores across the country each year, we take our responsibility to create only the safest shopping environment very seriously.

• While we respect citizens’ rights to carry firearms in public areas according to certain state laws, our company policy prohibits customers from doing so in any of our stores out of an abundance of caution for the safety and protection of the children and families shopping with us.

• We make our customers aware of this policy by posting signs at the front of each of our Toys“R”Us and Babies“R”Us stores nationwide.

• It is also our policy not to sell any toy gun that could be mistaken for a real gun. Toys“R”Us was the first retailer in the U.S. to adopt this policy, which was established in 1994.

I hope this answers your questions for you and you continue to shop with Toys "R" Us. I apologize for any inconvenience.


Rich Latner
Corporate Guest Relations

The entire thread can be found here:
When I come across these signs posted on store fronts I ignor them. The worst they will do is throw me out. I'd rather risk that than facing a madman's gun unarmed.
In many states, Utah being one of them, company policy against guns does not have legal backing. The only thing they can do is ask you to leave the store if they see you carrying, and if you don't leave you're guilty of tresspassing. Just carry concealed if you must shop there and you'll be fine.
Why would you shop at a place that you don't respect because of the way they treat your 2nd A rights? It's not like Toys R Us is the cheapest place for toys or the only companies that support your rights or do not complain about it
Interesting. I've been to the local store a number of times... armed every time... and never seen any such signage. Actually, I've never seen signs prohibiting concealed carry anywhere in NY state. I don't know if state law doesn't allow it or if (upstate) NYers just aren't so freaked out about guns as people seem to be elsewhere.
I don't have young kids and wouldn't need to shop at Toys 'R' Us or Babies 'R' Us anyway, but I would just ignore the signs. It's your right.
Their store, their policy. Take your business elsewhere or, if legal, ignore the sign.

In Kentucky for example, if I were to carry in a Toys R Us, it wouldn't be illegal for me to do so. If caught however, the store has every right to ask me to leave. If I do not, then I can be charged with trespassing but there would be no weapons charges.
I don't make it a habit to shop in Toys-R-Us, but there is one in the same strip center as Barnes & Noble and the restaurant my wife and I frequent infrequently (if that makes any sense). She has dragged me in there a few times to shop for Christmas stuff for the grandchildren. I wasn't looking especially hard, but I certainly don't recall seeing any signs. If they're there, they must be pretty inconspicuous.

Interestingly, there is a sign at the entrance to the local Social Security office, but there is NOT a sign at the entrance to the post office.
when I see NO GUNS stickers on store windows i think to myself
many thing but mainly I think bad guys dont care about signs,many cant even read a sign......bad guys carry where and when they want,usually a gun they stole thats un registered ....Good guys,we go through all the paper work,classes and training to be a responsible gun owner,we know how to read and we respect in short NO GUNS means responsible people who own guns keep out.........Bad guys are welcome anytime