Tornados Suck!

Rob Pincus

New member
I finally got a chance to go out and put in a shift at the Sheriff's office and our town got whacked by a tornado.

I walked through 15 apartments that had no roof, a few of them had no 2nd floor, and almost unbeivably, no one was seriously injured.
It is pretty eerie to be walking through a half tore up apartment, no electricity, but exdposed wires all over the place, light up the sky lighting, gusting winds and drenching rain looking for dead bodies under pieces of what used to be the roof.... It was actually a good sign when you saw blood trails leaving the building or coming down the stairs, indicating that people had gotten out.

In all I think about 30 some apartments in one complex were demolished, our post office, a school and several other businesses.

It sounds as if Nashville was also hit, but I haven't been able to talk to anyone, just got home and I thought I'd check in here....

Rob, sorry to here you had to see such a thing, but as you said, at least you didn't have to face the sight of anyone who perished in the tornado. I'm currently living in Lubbock Texas and the last I heard we are past due for a major tornado.(statisticly speaking)

Hope for the best,
you're definitely right on that Rob. having lived through one in the 70's in Jonesboro, Ar. they are hell. places that you knew so well, look alien. i truly feel for the people in Ok.& Ka.. I'm sorry that y'all had one. I didn't know about it, but i havn't been watching the news. from what i read of your post, no one got killed, and that's a blessing.

fiat justitia
I live and work in donelson...and we had major winds but nothing in my immediate area.....although Ive seen several large 80-100 foot tall trees along mill creek blown down........several store signs were blown apart and were all over the street....dont know much else...electricity just came back on,,,fubsy.


I understand that the KOa out by Opryland was whacked pretty hard, that is more towards your area.

It seems like the line came from SW of NAshville to NE (my region). Oddly, I had power at the house almost all night, but downtown Gallatin was out for quite some time in places. I guess Hendersonville got hit pretty hard too, lots of trees down and stuff.
We had one school get hit up here, and because of that and the trees down they closed school in the county. I guess they closed Metro Schools too....
My daughter came in from the Opreyland area last night during the storm. She is still upset from the ride back to Tullahoma. Seems they were driving in the strom all the way home.
Ice storms bringing trees down just missing the house this past winter now these spring storms.
I'm just thankful that there are many of us left unhurt from all of this.
rob + Dennis ,
The power came on right before I had to leave for work this morning....and from what I can tell the damage was more substantial then i realized home and immediate surroundings are ok...but the annex of the postal service here, lost part of its roof and my understanding is that the gallatin post office has been shut down do to the damage, last night I left early and came home from work before things were bad, but this morning talking with some co-workers, it got a little serious for them with the rain blowing sideways etc....Dennis, I remember those ice storms very well I live on a hill and spent 6 hours chritstmas day chipping 1/2 inch of ice off of my driveway......gotta move
Our post office did get wrecked, I was over there last night, actually the second officer on the scene and it was a mess. The city had a guy there all night to make sure no one looted it or the wreckage.

I worked downtown tonight with Metro and didn't see *any* damage at all.