TOPO programs

  • Thread starter Thread starter olazul
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I am finally moving into this century and going to buy a GPS for my hunting trips.

I also am looking at TOPO programs, most notably the delorme and national geographic. These programs download onto your computer and you are able to download waypoints from your GPS onto them for those that have not heard of them.

Here are the websites:

Has anyone used these programs and which did you prefer and why?


I use a program called OziExplorer and It is a crash hot program with all the features you could want, including 3D mapping, and the best thing is it costs only $90 australian.
You can scan in and calibrate your own maps in no time at all, or make your own maps.
You can download it on the net and to activate all the features you send an email in to organise payment and you get back the code to register your copy.
Check it out here

reading topo

Guess I'm from the old school of map reading, but suggest learing your terrain features and being able to see them in the woods. learning to spot a draw or a spur and knowing how to read a map should be first before buying a GPS or any other tech device. Purchase a FM on Map Reading, good luck
delorme topousa is good program, it gives 3d and other neat stuff including elevation profile of routs you make.

but i say get a garmin Emap and garmin mapsource cd rom is great you can get topo mapsource, roads and high ways, or recreation based sets.

it hooks up to your garmin gps and you can download quadrants of the area you are gonna be in...on top of that the gps already has main highways built in, and each exit they list the facilities, as well as the phone numbers for the facilities, and it also shows rest is one of the best all around gps's and programs right now!
Thanks for all the replies so far. I really appreciate the info.


I heard the mapsource software is difficult to read because the maps are on a smaller scale than the USGS. Have you found this to be true?


I think we went to the same school. There is no subsitute for electrical activity between the ears and a compass.

Just so you know I do have a pretty good working knowledge of topographic maps and their applications, thanks for the concern. These programs are nice in that for about 100$ you get all the USGS topo maps for a state. Much cheaper than buying the copies if you get out a bit.

As to the GPS- some feel it may come in handy at times.

Anyone use the National Geographic TOPO?

FM 21-26 Map reading and Land Navigation, also read FM - 21-76 Survival

That being said, would you use a candle for light or a surefire flshlight? How about use flint ans steel instead of a lighter? Of course not. It is good to know basic land nav skills but a plugger(gps) system is very easy and accurate to use. My 8 yr old Daughter uses my plugger to navigate around the lake when we are in the boat or camping in the woods. With this technology she can follow her route back to camp(with me following her just incase) with no problem.

But it does sound very Macho to say just learn to use a compass.
