Top Ten reasons NOT to vote for GWB


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No More Years
Ten reasons I'm not voting for you, Mr. George W. Bush.

Monday, November 1, 2004 12:01 a.m. EST

10. Do you really think it's a good idea to be Hitler, George? Hitler killed millions of people and his approval ratings are in the toilet. Why can't you be somebody people like? Regis, maybe, or the Prophet Mohammed. Anybody but Hitler! Being Hitler = BAD IDEA.

9. Two words: You. Are. Dumb.

8. When Karl Rove used the remote-control device implanted in your upper back to force you to murder Iraqi babies and American soldiers for oil and/or no reason because Saddam was mean to your dad, plus what about the WMDs you lost after you lied about them even being there in the first place, and then Rove tried to make everybody think your Thanksgiving turkey wasn't plastic by planting fake documents about your military service and forcing Dan Rather to say "Sorry, I guess" on national TV, did you really think we wouldn't figure it out?

7. People might make fun of me. Maybe you're used to it by now, but I'm not.

6. I mean, black hoods? Fa-shion dis-a-a-a-ster. Wasn't Abu Ghraib dreary enough already? (More like Abu Drab!) I would have started a riot--a laugh riot. While pointing at you!

5. How dare you taunt a dying Christopher Reeve with a big brown bottle of stem cells? The man was on his deathbed, you sick monster. Why did you have to hold the spoon right in front of his lips? "C'mon, Chrissy, it's right here. You can do it, bwah! Just another coupla inches. Oooh, yer close. Close!" Shame on you, Dubya.

4. I can't really think of anything for item No. 4, and for that I blame you. (Also the Jews.)

3. Where's Osama? C'mon, Shrub, we all know you've got him in some secret Ashcroft prison and he's running around loose in the world, plus also besides which everybody just saw him live on tape giving the dramatic reading of "Fahrenheit 9/11" that the Halliburton PR department wrote for him to swing the election your way. Well???

2. The Internet.

1. I can no longer afford the premiums on my falling-sky insurance. Adios, chimp!
2)did not take a strong pro gun stance
3)the no child left behind act
4)the patriot act
5)He has lied about kerry
6)Using payouts instead of eliminating useless taxes
7)not supporting embryonic stem cell research
8)he fled the draft to go to the national gaurd
9)Missle defense system? The money would be better spent (probably) on a terrorist defense system.
10)Not a good debater: is this the guy we want representing america?

And to think i voted for the guy. . . . . ;) :D :D :D

(Maybe i should list my 100 reasons why i voted for Bush)


And if bush doesn't, hang on tight.
Kerry s a lying, treasonous sociopath. If that's what you want in a President, then by all means vote for him.
Your right and mine

While GWB may not be the best president or Republican ever, he is comparatively a GIANT compared to Kerry. Voting for Kerry would be akin to voting for the murderer instead of the white-collar criminal....both are worth avoiding but one is clearly better than the other. Kerry is without honor, has no connection to the American people, and favors foreign nations over this own.

Is that who you're voting for?
Not sure about all of your other statements, INDY, but Bush is definately a giant compared to kerry. Bush all the way (i voted for bush 3 weeks ago, and I STAND BY MY DECISION, UNLIKE MY OPPONENT ). :D