Top Ten Muzzle-loader Related Phrases


That Sound Dirty But Really Aren't (and one to grow on).

Mods, if this is too Risque, then please remove and accept my apologies. This is an original from me. I got to thinking about how funny some phrases sound.... :)

Top Ten Muzzleloader Rifle-Related Phrases that Sound Dirty But Really Aren't (and one to grow on)

11. "It's easy - just stuff it down the front."
10. "I'm old school - round balls only."
9. "Lube that breech plug before you start screwing."
8. "That's one long Pedersoli you got there."
7. "Felt Wads"
6. "If your patch gets stuck, fish around with your worm then pull it out."
5. "Butter up that conical if you want it to slip down easily."
4. "Here, hang onto my ramrod."
3. "First step in the process is to position the cap on the nipple."
2. "I just shot my last load."
1. "Hold the butt between your legs while I swab your bore."

Foot in Mouth desease

Last year during one of our classes, I said a real dumb thing.

Now normally we load for the students and let them shoot. However, if there is time, we ask if there is anyone that would like to load with our supervision. This one fellow accepted and when he finished, started to walk off. Then, I said;

Hey, don't you want to shoot your load?? You worked it up and not really complete till you shoot it!!

By the way, there were females present but I kept my composure. As soon as that group went off to their next station, I and the other instructors had a good laugh and I had to mentally review my wording, for any future use. Be safe!! :o:o

Can't beat that classic BP revolver advice:

"Make sure you grease your balls!"

One of my favorites. A real classic. Just never gets old.:D

This one's a true story. Heard this at the range a while ago, a shooter giving advice to his son while learning the .50 Hawken:

"Push it all the way in and pack it down real tight":eek:

Poor guy's face turned Mustang red after that:o