Top 10 reasons to contact Rep. National Com

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Top Ten Reasons to Make Sure You've Contacted the RNC
-- Also time to put your Reps. on notice that you oppose Juvenile
Injustice bill

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

ACTION for June 1, 1999: Make sure you've called, e-mailed, or sent
a fax to Jim Nicholson of the Republican National Committee. [A
sample letter is printed below.] You can reach Mr. Nicholson at:

Phone-- 202-863-8500, 863-8700
Fax-- 202-863-8774, 863-8820

Furthermore, you should contact your Representatives in their home
districts over this week and tell them you oppose the anti-gun
juvenile crime bill. You can also leave a message for them at their
national offices in the Capitol by calling toll-free at
1-888-449-3511 or by calling the regular number at 202-225-3121.

Finally, check out the GOA web page at to get a legislative summary
(and complete voting records) of the anti-gun provisions that were
stuck into the Senate juvenile injustice bill (S. 254).

Top Ten Reasons Why You Need to Make Sure You've Contacted the
Republican Party

10. Because according to news reports, Senate (Republican) Majority
Leader Trent Lott "could have prevented Lautenberg's [gun control]
amendment from even coming to a vote." [1] One White House official
was pleasantly "shocked and surprised" that Lott allowed the vote.
(Sen. Lott not only brought the juvenile crime bill to the floor, he
voted for it-- even after all the anti-gun amendments were attached
to it.)

9. Because the top Republican leader in the House, Speaker Denny
Hastert (R-IL), is endorsing gun control and vigorously pushing the
anti-gun crime bill to the floor for a vote. [2]

8. Because the powerful Judiciary Committee Chairman in the House,
Republican Rep. Henry Hyde (IL), is supporting a wide array of new
gun control proposals. [3]

7. Because the Republican Chairman of the House Subcommittee on
Crime, Rep. Bill McCollum (FL), is also supporting 2nd Amendment
restrictions that are in the juvenile crime bill. [4]

6. Because Republican and House Majority Leader Dick Armey (TX) has
endorsed instant registration checks on private sales at gun shows.

5. Because House Republican Whip, Rep. Tom DeLay (TX)-- who is
normally an opponent of gun control-- has now stated he "favor"
some of the gun rights restrictions in the juvenile bill. [6]

4. Because a majority of Republicans (31 yeas v. 23 nays) voted for
the anti-gun juvenile bill in the Senate.

3. Because Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle has stated that,
"There may not be much difference between Democrats and Republicans
anymore." [7]

2. Because Republicans have completely abandoned the very voters
that helped put them into the majority in 1994.


1. Because the Republican Party "spin-meisters" in Washington, DC
are claiming that grassroots folks like yourself aren't really upset
about the gun control that passed in the Senate. [8]

Dear Mr. Nicholson:

Words can not express the outrage that I feel over what Republicans
in the U.S. Senate just did to gun owners' rights. Watching
Republicans stumble over themselves to violate their oath of office
and pass restrictions upon the 2nd Amendment was simply disgusting.

The media says there has been a public "mood shift" following the
Colorado shooting. But that's just a figment of their collective
imagination. A new poll released by the Denver Rocky Mountain News
on May 20 showed that "Gun-control opinions [are] unchanged"
following the Littleton tragedy.

The poll found that a full 65-percent of Coloradans FAVOR allowing
decent citizens to carry concealed firearms. This is barely down
from the 66 percent figure that was taken in February-- a difference
well within the margin of error.

So why then have Republicans run for the tall grass? Why have they
betrayed their oath of office to sacrifice my constitutional rights
on the altar of gun control?

While I probably disagree with Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle
most of the time, he hit the nail on the head just recently. On May
19, he said, "There may not be much difference between Democrats and
Republicans anymore."

Indeed, if there is "no difference" between the two parties
legislatively, then why should I make a distinction between the two
monetarily? Moreover, why should I make any distinction at all--
like at the ballot box? Please tell me.



1 Jake Tapper, "Whole Lott o' blamin' goin' on," Salon Magazine, May
24, 1999.
2 Laurie Kellman, "GOP Allows More Gun Control Votes," Associated
Press, May 19, 1999.
3 Lance Gay, "House leaders support gun bill," The Washington Times,
May 26, 1999.
4 Juliet Eilperin, "House Leaders Back Gun Control," The Washington
Post, May 26, 1999.
5 Laurie Kellman, "House GOP Nixes Quick Vote on Guns," Associated
Press, May 26, 1999.
6 "Gun control debate shifts to House," AllPolitics, May 24, 1999.
7 Laurie Kellman, "GOP Makes More Gun Concessions," Associated
Press, May 20, 1999.
8 Donald Lambro, "GOP ponders fallout from gun-control vote," The
Washington Times, May 25, 1999.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I'm sitting here looking at my RNC membership card as I type. I think I'm going to cut it up and mail it back to Mr. Nicholson.
I've gone down the 'contact your reps.' road one too many times. They don't listen or they don't care. It doesn't matter which; the results are the same.
Instead I will contact Senator Bob Smith's (R-NH) office and suggest he start the third party he has been threatening lately. He is one of the very few D.C. politicians I have any respect left for. Some of the good Republicans and a few Democrats would probably join him. I'll even suggest a name for this new party: "The Constitutionalist Party".
Like Coinneach said in an earlier post, I'm hearing the 'R' word everywhere lately, and the reality of that frightens me. They have had their chance. It's too late for that route now. I believe there can still be political solutions, just not the way things are now. How can anyone believe the people who did this will undo it of their own free will? Guns are a small but important part of this, but there is so much more.

land of the free and the home of the brave......WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT
I already did that a couple of weeks ago, but that was to tell them I'd never, ever vote for another person in the Republican party at any level, unless their name was Ron Paul.

Then again, I haven't voted for a Republicrat in years, however, it was fun dumping a crap hut on the RNC chairman, in fairly polite terms. I may have used the word, "idiot".

Voting libertarian means never having to say you're sorry.
I was just passing it on for the benefit of you folks who still believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Walkin' Man,
On search:
I did not find the "Constitutionalist Party"; but I DID find the "Constitution Party":

It looks to me like they're still fighting the Civil War. Might be an interesting read for moment or so.

Oh, the "Reform Party" just wants to clean up Washington - appears totally inadequate IMO.

Let's see. What is it Ipecac is always saying....
"Voting libertarian means never having to say you're sorry."

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited June 02, 1999).]
Dennis, thanks for noticing. :)

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
walkin' man, i like you would like a party that would go by, and uphold the constitution. that's all they have to do, just uphold what the constitution says. wouldn't that be a refreshing change!!!!

Dennis, we in the south ARE still fightin' the "Civil War". only this time, some of the folks up north are seeing what the fighting was really all about.. I'll give you a hint... it wasn't all about slavery!!!

fiat justitia
I sent this e-mail:

Dear Mr. Nicholson:

(Printable) words can scarcely express the disgust I feel over the federal GOP’s
ongoing betrayal of America’s gun owners. It’s not enough that your party never admitted the role we played in your gaining the majority in Congress. (Go back and look at the exit polls, sir; We didn’t just contribute, we WERE the margin of victory in those races!)

It’s not enough that as soon as you gained power, you forget every promise you’d made to us about repealing the hated gun control laws that prompted us to give you Congress.

It’s not enough that the Republican Congress has repeatedly let NEW gun control legislation “slip through the cracks”, hidden in appropriations bills. (And I don’t believe for one moment that those were accidents!)

No, now the party we gun owners put in power is openly passing it’s own gun control laws. And worse yet, the reasoning you employ, the way you describe them, indicates to me that you’ve bought into the gun control movement’s ideology, big time. I suspect only fear of us keeps the GOP from enacting even worse gun control laws.

Mr. Nicholson, it’s already too late for your party to retain control of Congress; It’s betrayal of THIS constituency, piled on all the other betrayals since ’94, has seen to that. There may yet be time for you to avoid falling into third party status, if you work quickly to halt the betrayals.

If I were you, I’d have a long talk with Senator Bob Smith; He can explain to you exactly why the GOP is on the verge of schism. If you heed what he has to say, the GOP may eventually pull itself out of the mess it’s worked so hard to create. But even if you do all he says, you’re going to spend a long, LONG time wandering in the desert, before anyone is stupid enough to believe that the GOP actually gives a damn about limited government, the Constitution, or any of the other issues that propelled your party to power.

Brett Paul Bellmore

P.S. I’m a gun owner, and I vote. Not for Republicans anymore, though!

As for Sen. Smith's talk of a third party, unless he's got a billion dollars burning a hole in his pocket, he shouldn't consider starting a new one. The Constitution party was a great idea which just didn't work out. The Libertarian and Reform parties are both viable, and capable of national campaigns, but unless he's prepared to duke it out with Ross Perot, he's NOT going to be the Reform party candidate. Really, I think the Libertarian party is the only other game in town.
I agree that the Libertarian party is now the only game in town. I have been a registared republican for over 30 years, until just recently. It was the republicans in the senate which forced me to re-registar as a Libertarian along with Republican congressmen like Tom Campbell who is for gun control. I have sent this information to the above.
