Took the Step-daughter Shooting


New member
I took one of my Step-daughters (24 yrs old) shooting today. It was the first time she'd ever fired a handgun. This pick was from her second inning shooting - after she got the feel of it, and before fatigue started to set in. She did quite well, I'd say. She shot two guns: Both S&W 686's; one with a 3"bbl, and one with a 4"bbl. She really enjoyed it, and we'll be going out to the range again sometime soon.

Very nice shooting. And good for you for taking the time to "arm" your daughter with the ability to control her own destiny.
Just out of curiosity,,,
Who initiated the shooting session?

She did. She was over for a visit while I was in the garage loading ammo. The loading process caught her curiosity, and one topic of conversation lead to another. She said she wanted to try shooting, so I arranged us some range time. Pretty cool.
Your daughter's got some talent and/or a good teacher.

I think it's mostly her talent. I'm not sure if she's a natural (whatever that actually means), but she is a very studious learner.

We spent a good amount of time the previous day going over basic safety, and the specific range rules. Followed by practical hands-on safety and operation (mostly safety) of the actual guns.

She listened well and followed every rule. She never breached any layer of safety at any time while at the range. Made for a great day.

As far as me being a good teacher: probably not. I mean, I can teach the basic fundamentals (and safety, of course), but I'm not very good at teaching advanced techniques. I'm an excellent shot. But I just kind of do it - I can't explain the "how" very well at all.
Never fired a handgun before?

The target is pure gravy! If she handled them safely (especially a revolver with the flash gap) and she enjoyed herself, then shooting well is just a whole lot of bonus material.

Unless & until you put holes in your own target with a far smaller group and she sees that, someone who has never shot a handgun before probably has no idea how good that shooting is. I'm sure most of us have seen a -lot- of folks at public ranges that manage to get most of their hits at 5-7 yards on a full man size piece of paper. Most of 'em! :p
She was shooting at 10 yards. The reason why there's not a lot of holes in the target is because during this shooting inning (20 minutes at this range), half the old guys around us kept asking her if she wanted to their guns.

Funny, they never ask if I can shoot their guns :p She must be prettier than me lol.

Anyway, she got to shoot a 1911 .45 - with full-power Hornady XTP ammo, I might add; a Ruger Mark II Competition something-or-other .22LR; and - get this - a Desert Eagle .357. She handled them all well. And did particularly well with the .22 (better than the above pic). She said she liked the feel of it, and liked the sights - the kind of remarks you would expect from a much more advanced shooter.
Makes you feel good inside to share that experience with her I am sure. I get the same great feelings every time my daughter asks to go shooting. She lives far away, so it is a treat for both of us. She has already laid claim to my Ruger Blackhawk .45acp/.45Colt. Strict orders from her not to sell it 'cause it is hers--according to her. She used to give me grief every time I told her of a new acquisition until she realized that she would inherit them; now it is "that's cool dad, have you shot it yet?" and other appropriate responses.

Shoot Safe and Often