Took the a 1911


New member
I tried not to. I really tried. They don't work. I want bullets to actually come out of the gun when I shoot it. I want a Glock 21.

But I already had a G19, and while I was waiting for my dealer to get his next batch of Glocks in (they come in batches, y'know), I started thinking about adding some variety to my meager gun "collection". I knew I wanted a .45, something classic, something with History...and it was all over. It had to be a 1911.

I went down to the shop and rented a big Para they had, but it didn't really grab me. The big grip on the G21 felt OK, but it didn't feel right on the 1911. It wasn't "classic" enough. So I checked out some of the more traditional (ie: single-stack) offerings, and a used Springfield in excellent condition, with some after-market stuff on it, sort of wormed it's way into my conciousness.

I got it paid off in a week, and took it into the range to see what it would do. It would feed, fire, extract, and eject all 100 rds of the Atlanta Arms reloads that the range sells as target ammo. But it wouldn't reset it's own trigger! I had to pull the trigger forward with my finger after each shot. And the slide wouldn't lock back after the mag ran dry. I was swept with a kind of world-weary resignation: "Well, it's a 1911, of course it's not going to work!"

But into the second box of ammo, the trigger started to fix itself. I decided to give it a couple hundred more rounds to work itself out before panicking. I took it home that night, and tried to figure out why I hadn't noticed the problems when I was initially looking at the pistol. Eventually I figured out that the trigger bars were bowed in slightly, and they were rubbing against the magazine. I hadn't noticed it because I didn't have the mag when I was inspecting the gun (important lesson: always get the mag when preparing to buy. Doh!).

So, with my trusty 1911 parts schematic in my Bushmaster catalog as a reference, I fearlessly tore down the frame, straightened the trigger bars, and slapped it back together. It worked! I am now a Master 1911 Gunsmith!

Now, the after-market slide stop is apparently designed not to lock open on an empty magazine ("always get the mag when preparing to buy. Doh"). The little tab that engages the follower was cleanly machined off, and finished over (not breakage or a Dremel job, it looks original). That one has me a bit stumped: Why would someone want such a thing? The only thing I can think of is that it's a reliability feature to keep rounds in the mag from possibly hitting the slide stop before the mag is empty. Anyone have the answer for me?

Anyway, went back to the range the next morning, and ran through 200 rds of the same ammo. Everything worked (except the slide stop thing, I'm getting that replaced). The pistol shoots to point of aim, and it seems just as easy to control as my 9mm Glock. In fact, I shoot a lot better with the .45 than with my G19. The sights (McCormick?) are lot more precise than my stock Glock sights, and the trigger is downright enjoyable. And it's so easy to see those big holes in the target at 25 yards :) This is a gun that I really like to shoot. Tomorrow I'm going back to the shop to see about a slide stop, and to try putting some HydraShoks through this thing (nail-biting, teeth-chattering).

I still keep the G19 next to the bed, it's familiar and well-proven, but for the sheer pleasure of shooting a fine handgun, I'll be taking the Springfield to the range a lot!

[This message has been edited by boing (edited April 15, 2000).]
Welcome to the 1911 fold; glad to have you join. :)

Know Yourself, Know Your Weapon, Know Your Enemy; then Know Victory! DaHaMac