Took the can plunge !


New member
Thanks to a nice severance package from my past employer of almost 23 years, I am able to tie up about $2100 for the next 9 months...

Decided to go all in with the .30 cal Sig SRD762TI . Passed on the QD setup as I wanted to retain precision with a direct mount. I put together a R700 ACC-SD and plan on hand loading subs. Also want to try the Sig 762 on my AK-47.

Finding a high end modular pistol silencer was more of a challenge. My local NFA dealers have minimal stock, and are not ordering any more silencers as the can market is very slow at this time. After some research I decided to go with the Griffin Armament Revolution 45. Great reviews, modular, adaptable, and most of all available. I will be sticking this on my sweet FNX 45T , should be a perfect match.

All my Form 4 docs are mailed, and now begins the wait for "get out of NFA jail"... :(
I talked to a dealer last week who seemed to think the wait times were going to drop back to the 3-4 month range soon. He's a big time NFA guy and handles quite a few transfers so maybe has some knowledge beyond the guesswork/rumors that predominate the forums.
My last stamp finally came through just a few days short of a year.
Congrats on the new additions, they should be a fun to work up a load with. I have been thinking about a 30cal can to add to the mix but havent decided what one I want. If the suppressor market is slow then they should be able to get caught up with the paperwork. I was hoping the new suppression acts would move through a little faster but ..........