Took my son shooting


New member
My son and I got our chores done early Saturday so my wife let us go to the range. We had a blast. I brought my G-19 and my BHP. We also splurged and rented an MP5.
not that I have kids but it wasnt that long ago when it was me and my dad at the range...

i started off with a BB gun and closely supervised around 7yr's old in the backyard. at 10 the ruger 10/22 13ish I moved to handguns and my dads older security six w/ .38spcl and then .357 and THEN the .45ACP by 14-15?...

im 18 now and going to be going to my first IDPA match very soon.

it all depends on the kid IMO.

Over 10 years ago I shot my first gun, a Ted Williams 20 gauge pump. I will never forget that day. :) Then my first gun of my own was my NEF .410 Single Shot. I still shoot that thing to this day. So much fun and shells are cheap :p
kids and shooting

I've taken both of my sons shooting several times so far. I have 13 yr old twins. Both boys have shot my SKS, Glock 19 and Ruger 1022. I think it was the first time shooting my Hi-Power. The real star of the afternoon was the MP5. I am really going to make range time more often for me and my boys.
Way to go Dad!!!!!

Yes sir. I'm glad my pop taught me all his experiences. He was a hard to live with marine but I enjoyed all the times we spent hunting, fishing, and shooting. I know it makes him proud when I out shoot him. I'm in the process of saving to buy him the M14 he so dearly loves.
Fathers, sons and guns. What a great tradition.

Yup -- a great traidition. But ... Fathers, daughters and guns is even a greater tradition to get started.

Women make great shooters, and even though my daughter isn't out of diapers yet I want to make sure she learns how to handle herself with or without a weapon (the weapon will come about the time she's a teenager, of course).

So Dads ... don't forget to take the girls out too.
Fathers and sons

My 11 yr old and I were supposed to meet my brother out at the place to separate a few calves to take to town. We were going to be able to get there a lot earlier than he and I mentioned to the boy that I had seen a few bullfrogs on the tank. I said if he brought his rifle along he might get a shot. He excitedly informed me that he had never gotten to shoot a live critter before and ran to get his 22 single shot.

He can't say that any more. (Daddy's kinda' proud, the boy can shoot.)
Garand Illusion,
I just bought a Cricket .22. I think my daughter will need another year before she is ready for the range but by then I'll have it sighted in, perhaps have a scope on it, and have it "seasoned".
+1 to daughters need to learn to protect themselves and enjoy their freedoms just as much as the sons.
God bless and keep 'em all
Fathers, sons and guns. What a great tradition.
But ... Fathers, daughters and guns is even a greater tradition to get started.

Dad took me. Now I take my sons.

Anything wrong with mom, sons, and guns? I sure hope not! :)

Whatever sex you are, and whatever sex your kids are -- take your kids to the range. You could be doing your grandkids a favor!

My son and I ....
Fathers, sons and guns. What a great tradition.

Fathers, sons and guns was in direct referral to the situation at hand, and not meant to leave out the fairer sex :).

Point of fact: I have taken my daughter shooting as much as my sons. She is an avid shooter and loves to shoot shotguns, pistols, rifles and would throw hand grenades if I had any. :D
very good point guys.

my parents are divorced and both are gun lovers (am i lucky or what?)

my mom and I try to hit the range as much as we can, and when i go to my dads its a mandatory range visit....just alot of fun.

Kids and the range...

I decided some years ago that 10 was the right age. Kind of arbitrary I suppose. But that's what I decided. My son was the first to hit 10. I think I've created a monster! And boy am I proud of him.

I've got a daughter that will be next, she'll go too. She doesn't like loud noises so I doubt she's going to be the avid gun nut, but she'll learn to shoot. As will her sister that follows her.
I'll never forget my father teaching me to shoot his .410 single shot. I wish I had that gun but I have an older brother so dad gave it to him. I still have my first gun my grandfather gave me. A 20 gauge single shot. I love that gun and I'll never forget the day that he gave it to me. He told me I could go out and shoot if I wanted, of course I jumped on it and wen't on a mocking bird hunt. My mamaw told me to get rid of them cause they were pecking at her tomatoes but I better not shoot her robins. While I was out Dad and Papaw had a talk and when I came in he asked me how it shot? I said "great" and to that he replied "how'd you like to have that gun"? I thought I was going to jump out of my skin. We then had the talk about responsibility and safety. My papaw past away last year and I will keep that gun and give it to my son or daughter one day.